Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
Nýsköpunarmót, einnig þekkt sem hakkaþon eða gangaþon eru viðburðir sem verða æ tíðari hérlendis. Þessi rannsókn skoðaði eitt nýsköpunarmót, sem var á formi rafræns gagnaþons. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að fá innsýn í upplifanir og væntingar þátttakenda til mótsins. Niðurstöður gætu gefið aukna innsýn í þá hvata sem stýra frumkvæði þeirra að þátttöku. Í rannsókninni var notast við eigindlega rannsóknaraðferð, gagnaöflun fór fram með viðtölum við tíu þátttakendur annars vegar og tvo skipuleggjendur hins vegar. Rannsóknarspurningar voru tvær: Hvað leiðir fólk til að taka þátt í nýsköpunarmóti? og hver er hugur þátttakenda gagnvart eignadeilingu? Til að skýra afstöðu og hvata viðmælenda var byggt á fræðum opinnar nýsköpunar, þróunar notendasamfélaga annars vegar og sjálfsákvörðunarkenningunni hins vegar. Farið er yfir helstu hugtök í þessum fræðum, bæði til að gefa yfirsýn á umhverfi nýsköpunar nútímans, og eins til að skoða hlut nýsköpunarmóta í uppbyggingu þess. Sjálfsákvörðunarkenningin er nýtt sem fræðilegur grunnur til að skýra hvatir manna og hvernig þær hafi áhrif á þær athafnir sem geta af sér nýsköpunarsamfélög.
Innovation tournaments better known as Hackathons or Datathons are intensive time limited events with the goal of developing a product, concept or solution. These tournaments are occurring more frequently here in Iceland, however, their effects have not been well researched. This paper explores one online Datathon with the objective of gaining insight into the experiences and expectations of the participants. Two research questions were made: What drives people to participate in Innovation tournaments? and What propensity for the sharing of intellectual property is amongst participants?
The intentions of which was to find out what leading motivations lay behind their participations. A qualitative research was conducted and data was gathered from in-depth interviews with ten participants along with two interviews with organizers of the event. Two event organizers were also interviewed to compare their goals for and experience with the tournament with those of the participants. The main findings of this study show that the main motives for participation were opportunity for networking and self-development (learning and gaining experience). Participant’s type of engagement in networking during the event was largely determined by whether their idea-solutions were formed during or prior to the tournament. There was correlation between participants’ development stage and their propensity for sharing of intellectual property. Another interesting finding was that Financial reward had little to no priority to the majority of interviewees which is very consistent with earlier foreign studies. This study is built strongly on the theories of Open innovation and user communities on the one end and the theory of Self-determination on the other. Open innovation research is important in the context of this study to get a good oversight of the current environment where innovation takes place and how innovation tournaments can contribute to its development. Self-determination theory is used as a theoretical base to build an understanding for people´s motivations and how that leads to series of activities that can help shape User-communities. This study is seen as a first step in the research on innovation tournaments here in Iceland with the basis on aforementioned theories.
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Hvatar_til_athafna_Mastersritgerð.2021.H.K.pdf | 1,26 MB | Opinn | Heildartexti | Skoða/Opna | |
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