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Thesis (Bachelor's)

Reykjavík University > Samfélagssvið / School of Social Sciences > BSc Sálfræðideild / Department of Psychology >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/1946/38866

  • The relation between teamwork, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the workplace
  • Bachelor's
  • Teamwork in organizations is a large topic in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. Studies have shown that successful teamwork can have many positive effects on organizations, including increased productivity, more organizational trust, and improved employee performance. Previous Icelandic qualitative studies have shown that teamwork has positive effects on organizations. To measure organizational commitment, the organizational commitment scale designed by Allen and Meyer was used. Job satisfaction was measured with Spector’s job satisfaction survey (JSS). Teamwork was measured by using a questionnaire based on Lurie’s et al. study. The data was analyzed by using hierarchical regression, Pearson’s correlation and independent t-test. Both job satisfaction and organizational commitment showed significant positive correlation with teamwork.
    Regression analyzes showed that teamwork had significant positive impact on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Independent t-test showed that there is not a significant difference between amount of teamwork in relation to job satisfaction and organizational commitment, which might indicate that the quality of teamwork results in more job satisfaction but the amount of teamwork does not.
    Keywords: Teamwork, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, affective commitment, work psychology, human resources, hierarchical regression

  • Abstract is in Icelandic

    Teymisvinna hefur undanfarin ár verið notuð í auknum mæli sem verkfæri til að reyna að hámarka afköst vinnustaða. Rannsóknir hafa sýnt fram á margvíslegan ávinning þess að notast við teymisvinnu en vöntun er á íslenskum megindlegum rannsóknum. Niðurstöður erlendra rannsókna sýna jákvæð áhrif teymisvinnu á starfsánægju og skuldbindingu í starfi.
    Niðurstöður þessarar rannsóknar sýna jákvæða fylgni milli teymisvinnu og starfsánægju, sem og teymisvinnu og skuldbindingar í starfi. Skuldbinding í starfi var mæld með spurningalista Allen og Meyer sem mælir þrjár undirtegundir skuldbindingar; tilfinningalega skuldbindingu, normatíva skuldbindingu og framtíðarskuldbindingu. Starfsánægja var mæld með spurningalista hannaðan af Spector og teymisvinna mæld með spurningalista gerðum eftir niðurstöðum rannsóknar Lurie og félaga. Aðhvarfsgreining sýndi að teymisvinna skýrir marktækan hlut bæði í starfsánægju og skuldbindingu í starfi. T-próf sýndi að ekki er marktækur munur milli magns teymisvinnu hvað varðar á starfsánægju og skuldbindingu í starfi. Þessar niðurstöður gefa vísbendingar um að gæði teymisvinnu auki starfsánægju en magn teymisvinnu geri það ekki endilega.

  • Jun 10, 2021
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/38866

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