Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
Hitta is an IOs application that connects people that share one thing in common, their location. Hitta creates an ecosystem at a specific location, allowing users to interact in a closed group which is exclusive to their location and reason for being there. Hitta’s goal is to elevate the experience of events and bring the guests closer together by allowing users to communicate and share experiences with people they normally would not be able to. We believe that in the future, big events will look at Hitta as a necessity to ensure a great experience for their guests.
Skráarnafn | Stærð | Aðgangur | Lýsing | Skráartegund | |
HittaLokaskýrsla.pdf | 2,42 MB | Opinn | Heildartexti | Skoða/Opna | |
HittaRekstrarhandbók.pdf | 167,22 kB | Opinn | Fylgiskjöl | Skoða/Opna | |
HittaNotendaleiðbeiningar.pdf | 1,48 MB | Opinn | Fylgiskjöl | Skoða/Opna |