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Thesis (Master's)

Iceland University of the Arts > Hönnunar- og arkitektúrdeild / Department of Design and Architecture > Verkefni til MA-gráðu - verk / MA projects - works (MA) >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/1946/42196

  • Urban Farming In The New First Place
  • Master's
  • Urban farming, particularly community garden, is an accessible approach in the holistic concept of permaculture. In contrast to the existing global food system, community food gardens offer an alternative socioeconomic, self-sufficient and regenerative model of agriculture by hyper-localizing the food production process. This is also seen as a solution to food security, tackling climate change by reducing carbon footprints and even as a tool to fight social inequality.
    During the pandemic, indoor gardening systems (e.g home hydroponic system, raised garden bed) sales are blooming. Some companies have seen a 270% growth and the demand is rising. Urban farming is redefined. It is no longer just about the whole neighbourhood community gardens and warehouse vertical farm. It is downsized to your adjacent neighbours, your family or even in your own bedroom.
    In the recent COP26 conference, sustainable food systems was one of the key topics in the discussion, hoping to ensure global food security and achieve climate objectives. The global food system is broken and is known for being controlled by big corporations. Food is the fundamental of human rights, however, the pandemic put out of reach access to food and healthy diets for an additional 141 million people, and pushed up to 124 million people into poverty.1 Localization of the food supply chain is a key to make a change. Of course, other strategies such as regenerative soil management, proprietary software, IoT technological advancement and international collaboration are essential to set a new movement.
    This has raised a few questions...
    What is the new meaning of urban farming to people?
    What is the future relationship between the “grower” and crops? What will be the new community farm?
    Can urban farming be a strategy to move towards a circular city?

  • Jun 22, 2022
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/42196

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