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Lokaverkefni (Bakkalár)

Listaháskóli Íslands > Sviðslistadeild / Department of Performing Arts > Lokaverkefni (BA) / Final projects (BA) >

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  • Titill er á ensku Final projects
  • Bakkalár
  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    May 12th - 15th the Contemporary Dance department graduating class will perform their graduation show, two original works by choreographers Katrín Gunnarsdóttir and Gígja Jónsdóttir.
    Graduating students //
    Birna Karlsdóttir
    Gabriel Marling Rideout
    Inga María Olsen
    Jóna Hlín Elíasdóttir
    Lena Margrét Jónsdóttir
    Marikki Nyfors
    Ragnhildur Birta Ásmundsdóttir
    Rebekka Sól Þórarinsdóttir
    Sóley Ólafsdóttir
    Tiffany Margelin
    Phygital Glitch
    Phygital Glitch Dwelling somewhere in between, facing the forest gaze and playground maze inside an outlined space. Collective force and external source moving through the course of time.
    PSA. Strobe lights are used in the show.
    Original music by Örlygur Steinar Arnalds graduating from B.A. Music.
    Choreography // Gígja Jónsdóttir in collaboration with the performers
    Costume and set design // Helga Lára Halldórsdóttir
    Composer // Örlygur Steinar Arnalds
    Lighting design // Valdimar Jóhannsson
    Dramaturgy // Nína Hjálmarsdóttir og Valdimar Jóhannsson
    Photographer // Owen Fiene
    An orchestra of dancing bodies has been given the virtuosic and daunting task of translating Igor Stravinsky's Rite of Spring musical score into movement, to be performed in silence. The Russian composer´s seminal work of the 20th century, written during turmoil and unrest, still haunts us with its dissonant and forceful beauty and its themes of ritual and sacrifice. Now we witness another spring ritual with 10 athletic dancers on stage, carrying the monumental weight of the past together, striving for the moment, in silence, as it runs through.
    Concept // Katrín Gunnarsdóttir
    Choreography // Katrín Gunnarsdóttir in collaboration with performers
    Costume design // Eva Signý Berger
    Lighting design // Valdimar Jóhannsson
    Photographer // Owen Fiene

  • 23.6.2022

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final projects.pdf29.65 kBOpinnGreinargerðPDFSkoða/Opna