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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication skills. Most of ASD characteristics are not detrimental to the individual, however individuals with ASD are more likely to engage in self-injurious behavior (SIB). The purpose of this study was to create a function-based intervention by using procedures described by Hanley et al (2012, 2014). The participant was a 12-year-old boy with ASD and developmental disabilities who engaged in daily episodes of SIB in school. The experimental design was a multiple baseline design across behaviors. A practical functional assessment was conducted that consisted of an interview and a latency-based functional analysis (FA). The interview and the FA results showed that SIB was maintained by compliance to mands. Based on the results of the FA an intervention was constructed where the participant was first taught a simple functional communication response (FCR) and a tolerance response. The last step was a tolerance and denial training. In addition, the participant was given a choice between participating in a session with the researcher or to continue with his activity. Problem behavior decreased to zero levels when the participant was taught a simple FCR and a tolerance response. There were more instances of problem behavior in the tolerance and denial training, and an increase in following instructions along with increased duration of reading time. It can be concluded that skill-building can be used to decrease problem behavior in the environment. Also, the author discusss the benefits of teaching children with autism new skills that encourage tolerating denial and delay in the school environment.
Key words: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Self-Injurious Behavior, Functional Analysis, Skill-Based Procedure
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