Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
Behaviors that may be related to higher perceived quality-of-life, such as the possibility of participating in meaningful activities, communicating wants and needs, and socializing with others, may be negatively affected in individuals with a neurocognitive disorder (NCD, i.e., Alzheimer´s Disease). Due to deterioration of executive functions, such as taking initiative, apathy, a lack of motivation, and agitation, there is an increased risk of in-activity for NCD individuals. Due to the passive environment, these effects from deterioration may be especially apparent for individuals with NCD living in nursing homes. Previous studies have shown that it is possible to increase activity attendance, engagement, and communication in NCD residents living in geriatric care units. This study analyzed the effects of behavioral management skills training on three certified nursing assistants (CNA) working at a geriatric unit to increase positive communication and engagement with residents with NCDs at the unit. Results from a multiple baseline across target participants showed an increase in positive communication and engagement with the residents by an average of 81.3% in CNA A, by 65.7% in CNA B, and 26.7% in CNA C. Both CNA A and CNA B had a significant increase in engagement with residents from baseline. However, CNA C had the least increase from baseline.
Key-words: Quality-of-life, Activity engagement, Behavioral skills management training, Neurocognitive disorders, Gerontology
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Thesis-Jóhanna Gilsdóttir-skemman.pdf | 620,47 kB | Lokaður til...10.06.2027 | Heildartexti | ||
hildur_2022-06-10_11-17-41.pdf | 415,05 kB | Opinn | Fylgiskjöl | Skoða/Opna |