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As most musicians who have experience with digital tools already know, commercial Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) and graphical sequencers, are rigid tools when it comes to experimenting with complex sequences and simultaneous parameter changes. Moreover, these environments silently influence the digital music composer’s aesthetic decision and suggest specific working methodologies with their innate structure and interface design. Most of the time musicians will have to unconsciously alter their way of working for the ones suggested by the music software, embracing its conceptual and compositional constraints. this meaning that musicians will have their musical expression outlined by the piece of music software they utilize. This being said, there are tools that will shape the musician’s mind-set in a more pronounced way than others.
The purpose of this essay is to compare Graphical Sequencers with text-based programming environments. I chose to analyze open text-based programming environments; thus, they allow a more extensive experimentation, simultaneous parameters control, complex sequence creation and sophisticated audio manipulation than graphical sequencers. In addition, text- based programming tools have no fixed user interface, the environments start up with a blank page a tabula rasa, having less influence over the musicians and allowing them more room for experimentation.
Among the wide scale of existing music programing tools, I will be mainly focusing my thesis on the analysis of TidalCycle as a case study. I will introduce the program basics, its inner architecture, how to structure and deal with pattern creation and also describe its approach to musical time.
Through this essay I’ll examine the usability problem of graphical sequencers, the suggestion of technology on musician’s workflow and the influence of graphical interfaces. Conceptual examples and use of actual code will be presented in this essay to illustrate particular cases. Finally, I will present the conclusions reached by the analysis of this subject.
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Villanueva_Gustavo_The end of Graphical Sequencers_TidalCycles as a way of experimentation.pdf | 1,24 MB | Opinn | Heildartexti | Skoða/Opna |