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In the performing arts industry, video recordings of rehearsals are a critical tool for feedback and improvement. However, the existing methods of recording, sharing, and managing these videos are often disorganized and time-consuming, leading to inefficiencies in the workflow of performing arts professionals.
This project presents Showdeck Replay, a mobile application developed to specifically address these issues. Showdeck Replay provides a straightforward method for recording rehearsals, attaching notes, and sharing recordings with relevant individuals or groups. The application also allows for the grouping of videos under user-created Productions, adding an additional layer of organization.
The application is designed using Google's Material Design language and is built using Flutter. It utilizes a Django server to store information in a Postgres database, which is hosted on AWS RDS. All media storage utilizes AWS S3 buckets, using signed URLs generated by the server as a means for uploading files directly to S3. Showdeck Replay also uses a small database stored locally on the user's device for local caching and offline functionality.
Designed to be compatible with Android, iOS, and web platforms, Showdeck Replay provides a standardized solution for the handling of rehearsal recordings in the performing arts industry. By reducing administrative tasks, it allows professionals to dedicate more time to their creative work.