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Thesis (Bachelor's)

Reykjavík University > Tæknisvið / School of Technology > BSc Tölvunarfræðideild / Department of Computer Science >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/1946/44341

  • Streamlining risk management through a SaaS platform : Kompásinn
  • Bachelor's
  • Effective risk, quality, and sustainability management are crucial for businesses. However, many businesses rely on insufficient spreadsheet systems, making an effective solution important, especially for small to medium sized businesses with limited resources. KPMG is a leading professional services organization, they aim to provide the streamlined SaaS solution Kompásinn in order to tackle their customers needs regarding risk, quality, and sustainability management. The report details our research, design and implementation of the risk management service for Kompásinn which is intended to make it more accessible and straightforward for organizations to prioritize, manage their risks, and track their mitigation strategies over time.

  • May 19, 2023
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/44341

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final-report-kompasinn.pdf32,02 MBLocked Until...2025/05/12Complete TextPDF
kompasinn-operational-manual.pdf658,39 kBLocked Until...2025/05/12AppendixPDF
system-activity-diagram.png1,15 MBLocked Until...2025/05/12AppendixPNG
kompasinn-ERD.png368,3 kBLocked Until...2025/05/12AppendixPNG
Beidni-um-lokun-lokaverkefnis-hopur11.pdf238,43 kBOpenPDFView/Open
kompasinn-user-manual.pdf15,09 MBLocked Until...2025/05/12AppendixPDF