en English is Íslenska

Thesis (Master's)

Reykjavík University > Tæknisvið / School of Technology > MSc Tölvunarfræðideild / Department of Computer Science >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/1946/44712

  • Skyllian : a flexible layer II solution for blockchain systems
  • Master's
  • Blockchains were initially designed to facilitate a basic peer-to-peer payment system. As the flora of blockchain applications proliferates, an inherent growth in complexity exists, posing significant challenges for developers seeking to design and deploy blockchain-based applications. There is a growing need for architectural refactoring, enabling a new layer to interact with the underlying fundamental blockchain and support service development. Previous solutions primarily focused on enhancing
    computational speed through the blockchain or layer II solutions. This thesis introduces Skyllian, an architecture framework abstracting out the details of the underlying blockchain, thus offering increased flexibility for developing blockchain applications and tokens. Developers can create customized applications and tokens tailored to
    their specific needs using a publish-subscribe architecture pattern. We have realized the Skyllian architecture framework as a platform and developed several prototype service applications, such as central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), a game, and life insurance, to experiment with and validate the architecture platform.

  • Abstract is in Icelandic

    Bálkakeðjur (e. blockchains) voru upphaflega hannaðar fyrir einföld jafninganet (e. peer-to-peer) greiðslukerfi. Eftir því sem flóran á bálkakeðjuforritum eykst, vex einnig flækjustig kerfa sem býr til áskorun fyrir hönnun og þróun forrita. Það er vaxandi þörf fyrir endurskipulagningu á hönnun kerfa, sem gerir nýju efra lagi kleyft að eiga samskipti við undirliggjandi bálkakeðju og styðjast við þróun þjónustu. Núverandi lausnir einblína á aukin skalanleika í gegnum bálkakeðjuna eða efra lags lausnir. Þessi ritgerð kynnir Skyllian, högun sem aðgreinir frá (e. abstract) bálkakeðjunni og veitir því aukin sveigjanleika við þróun bálkakeðjuforrita sem hægt er að sérsníða að sérstökum þörfum með því að nota útgáfuskráningarkerfi (e. publish-subscribe system). Við höfum innfært högun Skyllian sem húgbúnaðarvang og þróað nokkrar frumgerðir, eins og CBDC, tölvuleik, og líftryggingar, til að prófa og fullgilda fjölvanginn.

  • Jun 5, 2023
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/44712

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