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Background: Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is an effective psychological treatment of childhood anxiety problems. However, access to CBT for childhood anxiety problems is poor. Brief Therapist Guided Parent-led group CBT (TGP-CBGT) might be an effective way to increase access to empirically supported treatments.
Method: Parents of children (N = 143) aged 5–12 who had anxiety as a primary problem and were seeking help for anxiety received TGP-CBGT in group within their local social service centre. Assessments were made prior to the start of treatment, at post-treatment and one-month follow-up. Parents completed weekly measures of their child‘s anxiety symptoms and interference. Therapy goals and treatment satisfaction were also measured.
Results: Child psychological functioning improved significantly. Anxiety symptoms significantly decreased post-treatment, with further reductions at follow-up, and in 95% of cases, participants were discharged without need for further treatment. Furthermore, at post-treatment, progress toward therapeutic goals was significantly improved, and parents reported engagement and satisfaction at a high level.
Conclusions: This study indicates that TGP-CBGT is an effective treatment for childhood anxiety problems which parents like.
Keywords: Children, Anxiety, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Guided Parent-delivered Cognitive Behaviour Group Therapy (TGP-CBGT).
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