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Research on the clinical presentation of comorbid attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) remains scarce due to the late recognition of co-diagnosis of these disorders. This study explored the presence of anxiety and depressive disorders among youth with ADHD and/or ASD, while also examining gender differences and the association of anxiety disorders with peer problems. The sample comprised of 3836 children and adolescents aged 4-18 years from the medical records of the Centre for Child Development and Behavior in Iceland (CCDB). The results showed that an ADHD and/or ASD diagnosis did not predict a diagnosis of anxiety disorders (OR = .977; 95% CI[.881; 1.084]) or depressive disorders (OR = 1.076; 95% CI[.772; 1.500]) when adjusted for demographic characteristics. Gender differences were observed, with an ADHD and/or ASD diagnosis significantly predicting anxiety disorders for girls. Anxiety disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders significantly predicted peer problems, but the interaction between them did not. Youth with subthreshold ADHD symptoms and an ADHD diagnosis alone had lower peer problem scores than those with comorbid ADHD and ASD. Anxiety disorders were associated with more peer problems for youth with subthreshold ADHD and ADHD diagnosis alone, but not for youth with ASD diagnosis and comorbid ADHD and ASD. These findings provide new insight into the emotional difficulties experienced by youth with ADHD and/or ASD, highlighting the complex interplay between neurodevelopmental and emotional disorders, However, further research is needed to expand our understanding in this area.
Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, neurodevelopmental disorders, comorbidity, emotional problems, peer problems
Skráarnafn | Stærð | Aðgangur | Lýsing | Skráartegund | |
Heildarverk - KRS.pdf | 345,4 kB | Lokaður til...31.12.2028 | Heildartexti | ||
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