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Thesis (Master's)

Iceland University of the Arts > Myndlistardeild / Department of Fine art > Lokaritgerðir / Theses (MA) >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/1946/45381

  • 15 nautical miles : collaborative and process-oriented exhibition-making
  • Master's
  • Collaborative and process-oriented exhibition-making has been at the core of my curatorial practice for the last couple of years. In this thesis, I investigate the possibilities and challenges that derive from these curatorial strategies by reflecting on historical, theoretical, and methodological aspects. Besides presenting different case studies in which these strategies have been applied, I examine them by looking at the established discourse around the devised theatre, which focuses on collaboration and process. There, I aim to find tools to apply to curatorial practice, where this discourse is yet less condensed. I furthermore discuss site-specificity as a key mode of process-oriented practice. This research cumulates in my graduation project 15 nautical miles, which is based on collaborative and site-specific processes.
    In a conclusion, I note that issues in collaborative and process-oriented strategies in curatorial practice revolve around the ideological aspiration of non-hierarchies, and the questions of authorship, responsibility, and commodity. However, I also point out the reasons for continuously applying these methods, such as the possibility of exploring unexpected paths and learning from each other. Furthermore, these practices foster sustainability and inclusivity in the form of established connections, reflective practices, active audiences, and accessible art.

  • Jun 20, 2023
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/45381

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