Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
Urbanization is a major global trend that is affecting food systems and food security in many countries including China. As the most populous country with an unprecedented urban population increase during past few decades, China has experienced significant and rapid urbanization and city expansion which directly threatens cultivated land and agricultural production. With a focus on examining the relationship between urbanization and food security in China, this study attempts to unravel both positive and negative changes that urbanization has on food security. It will investigate food security status in respect to accessibility, affordability, and food quality through social, economic, and environmental lenses. A comprehensive literature review and a research design that involves qualitative analysis from cases study with six study subjects for data collection and analysis are applied in this research. By answering the question of what the impacts are, this thesis also intends to seek out potential interventions that can be implemented to improve food security and nutrition quality in urbanization impacted areas in China. Some of the identified approaches include the strengthening of food safety regulations, narrowing the income gaps among social groups, the promotion of nutrition education, and the development of more equitable food systems. The thesis provides important insights into the relationship between urbanization and food security in China and has great implications for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers working in the field of food security and nutrition.
Skráarnafn | Stærð | Aðgangur | Lýsing | Skráartegund | |
Doc1.pdf | 395,19 kB | Lokaður | Yfirlýsing | ||
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