Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
Iceland is a fragile island. In fact, it is more fragile than most other places in the world, which is why it needs additional protection. However, Iceland is also very popular across social media, and its rugged beauty can be found scattered across Instagram on the pages of adventurous and talented content creators, tourism companies, and other brands that feel that Iceland’s aesthetics boost their brand appeal. However, not all this content is captured responsibly, and Iceland is not always represented respectfully.
This study set out to examine thoughts and opinions from relevant figures as to when irresponsible digital content of Iceland’s protected conservation areas appears across social media, particularly Instagram. Regardless of whether it is content that shows the crossing of
protected environmental boundary or drone footage taken without permission from the authorities, this study looked at the primary drivers from content creators, how the issue is
viewed by locals with authorities and digital marketing experts to find out what is currently being done, and what can be done, to preserve Iceland’s fragile spaces. What was discovered was
a lack of awareness as well as authority to realistically tackle the issue, but a call for greater responsibilities and some compelling reasons for brands and social media influencers to think before posting
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Athugsemd: Verkefnið má afrita í einu eintaki til einkanota án sérstaks leyfis höfundar.