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  • Titill er á ensku Examining the risk factors of sustainable housing: The case of Kumashi Metropolis-Ghana
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    Efforts from successive governments in Ghana toward the achievement of sustainable housing could have significant benefits, especially in light of the cost of housing and domestic energy standards. Sustainable housing may lessen the negative consequences of the nation's high housing costs and rents, energy problems, and greenhouse gas emissions while also enhancing the quality of life and health of its inhabitants. Unfortunately, some hidden elements or factors have made it difficult to obtain these aforementioned potential advantages of sustainable housing. This research aimed at examining the risk factors of sustainable housing in Ghana, using Kumasi Metropolis as a case. Through a qualitative research design, thematic analysis was employed as an exploratory tool to analyse the data gathered from participants. Fifty (50) participants were engaged through a semi-structured format was used as an interview guide to collect the data. The themes and patterns drawn from the data revealed the following findings: economic and financial barriers, outmoded construction practices government commitment and policy, and lack of appropriate technology were identified to be the most critical factors affecting sustainable housing in the Kumasi Metropolis and Ghana at large. Based on the responses provided by the 50 interviewees, the thematic analysis reveals some notable themes related from comments and recommendations from participants for ensuring sustainable housing in Ghana. The thematic analysis of these responses endorses the research objectives by categorizing practical interventions and highlighting the importance of government support, in the form of financial assistance, regulatory enforcement, technological advancements, and educational initiatives in promoting sustainable housing development activities and initiatives. This research adds to the extant body of knowledge on the topic understudy and inform government, policy makers and housing industry personnels on how to strategize and overcome these barriers identified.

  • 30.4.2024

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ROBERT APPIAH DANKWAK M. A FINAL THESIS.pdf673.16 kBOpinnHeildartextiPDFSkoða/Opna
Declaration Form.pdf827.62 kBLokaðurYfirlýsingPDF