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The aim of this research was to explore and understand the initial experiences of eighth grade students and teachers in two rural schools in the Mampong Municipality in Ghana regarding the utilisation of the Collaborative Learning Approach in mathematics education. A two-week intervention programme which was conducted in these two rural schools in Mampong, consisted of four sessions with teachers. These included explanations, discussions, classroom observations, interviews with teachers and students, and reflections about Collaborative Learning. Data collection which commenced in January 2024 involved teaching 110 eighth grade students by applying the Collaborative Learning Approach in mathematics. A total of 35 students divided into ten groups were interviewed. Five participating teachers were also interviewed. The findings provided insights into the multifaceted nature of Collaborative Learning, including its initial influence on student engagement. It was revealed that the teachers’ main challenge centred on their understanding of the concept of Collaborative Learning which was connected to their own mathematics content knowledge. Also, the teachers expressed concerns related to the complexity of organising groupwork, lack of learning materials, and creating an inclusive and engaging learning environment – all interesting but time-consuming. For the students the experiences of collective work were mostly positive, as it provided a deeper approach to learning. However, challenges concerning disturbances from non-participating group members were evident. Although there are challenges, aspects of Collaborative Learning including organised reflection can foster deep learning. This research contributes to the growing body of literature on the development of Collaborative Learning in mathematics teaching, but cautions that this is time-consuming and needs organisational support for teachers. Specifically, it is recommended that mathematics teachers need quality support, collaborative learning resources, and ongoing training to effectively manage group interactions and incorporate organised reflection in order to achieve best practice standards.
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DOC-20240502-WA0002. copy.pdf | 270.41 kB | Lokaður | Yfirlýsing | ||
Samuel Boakye (MA thesis final version May 2024).pdf | 3.68 MB | Opinn | Heildartexti | Skoða/Opna |