Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
This study evaluates the effectiveness and participant satisfaction of a 10-week transdiagnostic group therapy program based on CBT and specifically designed for young adults aged 18-25 experiencing severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. The study involved 104 participants who were selected from the waitlist at the Depression and Anxiety (ÞOK) department at Landspítali – University Hospital in Iceland. Paired-sample T-test was used to determine whether there was a significant change in depression, anxiety, and stress scores at baseline and at the end of the treatment. The results indicated that the therapy was effective in reducing symptoms significantly on all measures. However, the dropout rate was high, and nearly half of the completers required additional treatment, suggesting that the 10-week duration may not be sufficient for young adults with severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Analysis revealed no significant differences between completers and dropouts in terms of baseline symptom severity, implying other factors contributed to the high dropout rate. Despite this, participants who completed the therapy reported high satisfaction, especially valuing the psychoeducation components and task-oriented activities.
Keywords: Transdiagnostic, transdiagnostic CBT group therapy, young adults.
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