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Multilingualism has various advantages, and most multilingual children are typical learners who become proficient in their languages. The concern is with those who lag behind their peers, facing challenges like slower vocabulary growth and weak oral language skills, negatively impacting their academic performance. This paper aims to study the effect of progressive discrete trial teaching (DTT) on increasing Icelandic productive vocabulary in multilingual preschool children (4-5 years old) who lag behind their peers in vocabulary by comparison to conventional DTT, and evaluate the generalization of established vocabulary during training to other settings. Using a single-subject multiple baseline design across vocabulary groups, each participant was taught words from different groups using both methods. Both participants scored significantly lower in the pre-assessment compared to their monolingual peers. It was difficult to determine the effect of different methods on vocabulary acquisition due to significant variation in participants' initial independent correct response rate. The results indicate that while both DTT methods were effective in increasing vocabulary, there was no clear advantage of progressive DTT in terms of speed of acquisition. These findings strengthen DTT's external validity by confirming its effectiveness when used to teach productive vocabulary to multilingual children. Both methods successfully promoted 100% generalization and nearly 100% maintenance of the target vocabulary in follow-up probes conducted a week after generalization probes. This study highlights the importance of early interventions for multilingual children with language delays, showing that both DTT methods can effectively enhance vocabulary acquisition and generalization.
Skráarnafn | Stærð | Aðgangur | Lýsing | Skráartegund | |
Final_thesis_Berglind_Bjornsdottir.pdf | 358 kB | Lokaður til...30.06.2029 | Heildartexti | ||
Beidni_um_lokun.pdf | 418,28 kB | Opinn | Beiðni um lokun | Skoða/Opna |