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Thesis (Master's)

Reykjavík University > Samfélagssvið / School of Social Sciences > MEd/MSc Íþróttafræðideild / Department of Sport Science >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/1946/47763

  • Validating and reliability testing of a newly developed app called SmartTimer
  • Master's
  • Abstract is in Icelandic

    Markmið þessa rannsóknar var að (i) rannsaka réttmæti og áreiðanleika á smáforritinu SmartTimer í breyttu T-prófi og 5-0-5 stefnubreytingarprófi (SBP) og (ii) bera saman smáforritið við leyser tímahlið og skeiðklukku í sömu stefnubreytingarprófum. Tvö-hundruð sjötíu-tveir unglingar sem spila knattspyrnu á aldrunum 12-19 ára tóku þátt í rannsókninni. Samtals voru 3118 mælingar gerðar með smáforritinu, Brower og skeiðklukkunni. Næstum fullkomið ICC var fundið á milli smáforritsinns og Brower (T-próf: Tilraun eitt og tvö: ICC=0,997; 505 COD próf: Tilraun eitt: ICC=0,975, Tilraun tvö: ICC=0,978), en ICC gildi skeiðklukkurnar voru lægri (T-próf: Tilraun eitt: ICC=0,987, Tilraun tvö: ICC=0,986; 505 COD próf: Tilraun eitt: ICC=0,904, Tilraun tvö: ICC=0,905). Næstum fullkomin fylgni var á milli smáforritsins og Brower (T-próf: Tilraun eitt og tvö: r=0,997, P<0,001; 505 COD próf: Tilraun eitt: r=0,976, Tilraun tvö: r=0,978), en lægri fylgni var á milli skeiðklukku og Brower (T-próf: Tilraun eitt og tvö: r=0,988; 505 COD próf: Tilraun eitt: r=0,933, Tilraun tvö: r=0,920). Álykta má að (i) SmartTimer smáforritið veitir réttmætar og áreiðanlegar mælingar í breyttu T-prófi og 5-0-5 stefnubreytingarprófi, (ii) hægt er að nota SmartTimer sem lákostnaðar og aðgengilegt mælitæki til að mæla stefnubreytingarpróf og (iii), mælt er með að sleppa að nota skeiðklukku við stefnubreytingarmælingar þar sem ætlun er að afla réttmæt og áreiðanleg gögn vegna mikilla frávika samanborið við Brower tímahliðin.

  • The objectives for this study were (i) analyzing if the SmartTimer app is a reliable and valid measurement tool that can be used to accurately measure the times in the modified T-test and the 505 change of direction tests, and (ii) comparing the app to laser time gates and the stopwatch using the same change of direction test. Two-hundred and seventy-two adolescent football players aged 12–19-year-olds participated in the study. In total, 3118 measurements were taken using the app, Brower, and the stopwatch. Almost perfect ICC was between the app and Brower (T-test: Attempt one and two: ICC=0.997; 505 COD test: Attempt one: ICC=0975, Attempt two: ICC=0.978), while the app and stopwatch ICC values was lower (T-test: Attempt one: ICC=0.982, Attempt two: ICC=0.986; 505 COD Test: Attempt one: ICC=0.896, Attempt two: ICC=0.897). Almost prefect correlation was between the app and Brower (T-test: Attempt one and two: r=0.997; 505 COD Test: Attempt one: r=0.976, Attempt two: r=0.978), but lower correlation between the app and stopwatch (T-test: Attempt one: r=0.984, Attempt two: r=0.986; 505 COD test: Attempt one: r=0.924, Attempt two: r=0.913). In conclusions, (i) the SmartTimer app can be considered a highly valid and reliable tool to measure the modified T-test and the 505 COD test, (ii) the app is a low-cost method for athletes, coaches and sport scientists to evaluate athletes in change of direction measurements; (iii) regarding the stopwatch, it is advised to not use it to gather valid and reliable data due to large variations.

  • Jun 14, 2024
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/47763

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