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Háskólinn á Akureyri > Hug- og félagsvísindasvið > B.A./B.Ed./B.S. verkefni >

Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Málþroskaröskun : hvað er hún og hvað geta leikskólakennarar gert til að hjálpa?
  • Bakkalár
  • Málþroskaröskun er frávik í máli sem getur haft áhrif á málskilning, málnotkun og nám þeirra einstaklinga sem hana hafa. Málþroskaröskun er ein algengasta taugaþroskaröskunin og talið er að 7–9% barna séu með hana. Hún kemur fram í barnæsku og varir fram á fullorðinsár. Erfðir, heilastarfsemi og umhverfisþættir geta orsakað málþroskaröskun og geta lífsgæði einstaklinga með málþroskaröskun verið verri en þeirra sem ekki hafa hana.
    Markmið þessarar ritgerðar er að gefa innsýn inn í það hvað málþroskaröskun er, af hvaða völdum hún er og hvað er hægt að gera við henni og síðan að koma með hugmyndir og leiðir fyrir leikskólakennara og annað starfsfólk leikskóla sem vinnur inni á deild með börnum með málþroskaröskun um það hvernig er hægt að hjálpa þeim börnum við máltökuna. Nokkrar rannsóknir sem hafa athugað aðferðir til að aðstoða börn með röskunina verða skoðaðar og hugmyndirnar verða byggðar á niðurstöðum úr þeim.

  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    This essay is a final project for a B.Ed. degree in teaching at the University in Akureyri. The subject that will be examined in this project is outdoor study for students in kindergarten and its effect on their overall development. The authors made surveys in preparation for the essay in a few schools in Akureyri and nearby villages, the goal of the survey was to examine how common outdoor studies are in the area and its effect on kindergarteners well-being and development. When teachers utilize outdoor study as a teaching method, they are able to reinforce many factors in the children´s development in diverse circumstances. Outdoor study can promote both mental, social and physical development and skill in students. When students have the opportunity to study outside, they get time to make a connection with nature, be free with each other, it promotes navigation skills and their ability to learn about different concepts in nature, they also get the chance to enhance their physical and mental well-being in the fresh air. The theories that are relied upon in this essay are from the scholars John Dewey, Lew Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, Friedrich Froebel and Jerome Bruner. They all emphasized the importance of allowing students to be active participants in their studies and giving them a chance to learn from their experiences and try different things. During outdoor studies teachers can utilize all kinds of different environments during lessons and make the study material inherent for the students. It´s important that teachers listen to the ides of students and what interests them when they are making lesson plans. The result of our survey indicates that outdoor studies have a overall positive effect on students development, it enhances their physical abilities, their independence during study and play increases, they feel notable better, their social skills are reinforced and conflicts with other students and teachers are greatly reduced as well as emotional regulation in students improves. The teachers that took part in this survey agree that during the days that have outdoor study session the overall atmosphere of the classroom is more balanced and both teachers and children feel better and that it’s easier to get through the day

  • 18.6.2024

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