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Thesis (Bachelor's)

Iceland University of the Arts > Hönnunar- og arkitektúrdeild / Department of Design and Architecture > Ritgerðir til BA-gráðu / BA theses (BA) >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/1946/47971

  • The Designer’s Role : an Exploration of the Multifaceted Roles and Responsibilities of a Graphic Designer
  • Bachelor's
  • This essay explores the multifaceted roles within the realm of graphic design, asserting that the role of a graphic designer extends beyond its conventional practices of visual communication. The exploration takes a structured approach, categorizing these roles into four distinct areas: Individuality (designer as author), relationships (designer as collaborator), society (designer as activist), and the future (the digital impact on the designer). Each chapter conducts a historical analysis of these terms, looking at works of designers who have embraced or discussed these roles and connecting them to the contemporary landscape. Drawing insights from various sources like books, articles, and interviews, the essay consolidates different designers' perspectives on each theme. Moreover, it serves as a journey of self-exploration, aiming for a deeper comprehension of a designer's role within the expansive design field. Simultaneously, it extends an invitation for discourse on the essence and responsibility of a graphic designer.

  • Jun 18, 2024
  • http://hdl.handle.net/1946/47971

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