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Listaháskóli Íslands > Tónlistardeild / Department of Music > Lokaverkefni / Final projects (BA, B.Mus) >

Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Titill er á ensku Drawing from Sauna—Critical Reflection
  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    We are in a dark, oblong room, in which a dimly lit 3x3 meter wooden cube frame has been centered directly against the wall of one of the shorter sides of the room. Standing on the floor inside the wooden frame is an 80x80 centimeter metal cube frame, with a white stick candle suspended with fish string from all four corners of the cube, making it appear to hover in the center of the structure. This metal cube is placed as far out into the room towards the audience the 3x3m wooden cube allows, while still being inside of it. Against the back wall of the wooden cube, there is a sauna style bench for one, with two sitting levels. These two items, the metal cube and the bench, are placed opposite each other inside the wooden box frame.
    A woman enters the stage, wearing a white towel which is covering her upper chest down to her knees. Her hair is wet. She walks up to the metal box frame, grabs a match box placed on top of the frame, takes a match out, strikes it and lights the candle. When she strikes the match, a slowed-down, reverberating match strike sample is played loud through the speakers in the performance space. She takes a seat on the top level of the bench, and when she has settled down, a world of sounds organically morphing between hammering, burning, boiling, swooshing and squeaking starts to fill the room.

  • 18.6.2024

Skráarnafn Stærð AðgangurLýsingSkráartegund 
Drawing from Sauna—Critical Reflection.pdf2,64 MBLokaður til...31.05.2144GreinargerðPDF
Screenshots of Max patch for Drawing from Sauna.pdf1,48 MBLokaður til...31.05.2144PDF