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In this thesis, I will analyze and discuss my artistic research that is based on the working methods and concepts used in the creation of my piece ’Oh Kiss Me, You Flying Pig. I research what a camp-based mindset can do for both the creator and performer during the creative process, as well as what effect it has on the author and performer during the live performances themselves.‘Oh Kiss Me, You Flying Pig’ was made as my individual project in my third and final year of the BA in Contemporary Dance Practices at Listaháskóli Íslands. The piece is inspired from the concept and aesthetic of ‘camp’, as well as the concept of ‘kitsch’. Throughout this essay I discuss what theories were used from these two concepts and go through how I used these theories as working methods within the creative process, and what kind of mindset and working environment that created for both me and my performers. The result of this research was a live performance created in collaboration with two actors, five dancers (including myself) and a filmmaker. Proving the positive impacts of using camp and kitsch in this manner will be done by, looking at unpublished research done within the process by myself and my performers, as well as using a variety of published material. Through these sources I discuss the very clear impact this way of working can have on people. The conclusion of this paper is that camp and kitsch have the power to break social bounds and normatives. They are freeing concepts to work with, they are concepts that give space to explore and have fun. So therefore, I and my performers agreed that those who purposefully work with camp or kitsch in any way, are destined to feel comfortable in themselves, and therefore, feel joy.
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Final Thesis for BA-Degree in Contemporary Dance Practices.pdf | 596.54 kB | Opinn | Heildartexti | Skoða/Opna |