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Listaháskóli Íslands > Hönnunar- og arkitektúrdeild / Department of Design and Architecture > Verkefni til MA-gráðu - greiningar / MA projects - analyses (MA) >

Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Palliative Architecture : Using Architecture in Care to Optimize Quality of Life & Lessen Suffering
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  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    When our health fails us and we find our existence in a state of freefall, we rely on our healthcare system to catch us, to heal us. But what happens when complete healing is not possible? What kind of system, physical and mental, envelopes our reality?
    On Kársnes in Kópavogur, at the bottom of the bay, a small health oriented community has formed over a span of 64 years. This “health campus” includes a variation of hospital and healthcare/medical facilities, educational and research facilities.
    Among the health facilities, a lowrise funkis building is nestled into the hillside, housing the Palliative Care Unit and the Children’s Nursing & Rehabilitative Care Unit, called Rjóður/The Glade.
    When we think of palliative care, most of us might think of people that are on their deathbed, with only weeks, days or even hours to live. However, palliative care is so much more than helping people face death. Palliative healthcare focuses on optimizing quality of life and alleviating suffering for those who are diagnosed with complex, serious, and often terminal illnesses and also taking care of their close ones. In this aspect, I believe the architecture of a medical facility is a very important component of care, as it can positively enhance the experience of everyone involved in this delicate space of life, and meet some of their fundamental needs in these circumstances.
    This thesis and accompanying final masters project will propose a design solution specifically catering to the nursing and rehabilitative care of children in Rjóður, applying architectural analysis, architectural psychology and theory to create architecture of care.

  • 18.6.2024

Skráarnafn Stærð AðgangurLýsingSkráartegund 
MArch_Final_Thesis_Palliative_Architecture_Skemman_RKA.pdf47,92 MBOpinnHeildartextiPDFSkoða/Opna