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  • Titill er á ensku Effects of Education on Family Practices among Ashantis in Ghana: The Case of Kumasi Metropolis
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  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    This research paper explores the effect of globalization through education on the rich traditional Ashanti family practices such as inheritance, marriage, childrearing, religious belief, and language (Asante Twi) use: A case of Kumasi metropolis. Education plays a significant role in shaping cultural and societal norms and its impact on societal values cannot be overlooked. Also, this research aims to explore how to provide practical recommendations for enhancing the positive impacts of globalization through education on family practices amongst the Ashantis of Ghana. Education affects every aspect of our traditional family practices and socio-moral fabric, by unravelling the profound impact of education on indigenous family practices and socio-cultural practices amongst the Ashantis in Kumasi and Ghana at large. This research employs a qualitative research method combining historical and ethnographic approaches as the research design. The paper examines the historical effects of education in contemporary Ashanti society and its portrayal of Ashanti family practices. According to the research, globalization through education has significant effects on traditional Ashanti family practices both negatively and positively. Through globalization, western cultures have heavily influenced the culture of the Ashantis. Globalization, particularly through education, has had a
    profound impact on traditional Ashanti family practices. The effects are evident in all the various aspects considered in this research such as inheritance, marriage, childrearing, religious beliefs, and language (Ashanti Twi) use. While some aspects of traditional practices remain
    intact, others have undergone significant changes. The younger generation, influenced by education and exposure to global ideas, are gradually adopting modern practices. This research adds to the extant body of knowledge on the topic understudy and informs government, policy
    makers and housing industry personnel on how to strategize and overcome these barriers identified as we advance, it's crucial to conduct further studies to understand the implications of these changes full

  • 3.9.2024

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02092024_Declaration.pdf789.18 kBLokaðurYfirlýsingPDF
Effects of Education on Family Practices among Ashantis in Ghana.pdf774.46 kBLokaður til...26.10.2024HeildartextiPDF