4.9.2023 | "Get a car, you loser!" : The roots of car-dependency in Reykjavík (and how to break free from it). | Björn Teitsson 1981- |
5.10.2016 | Að undirbúa jarðveginn: Þróun á verkefni um jarðvegsvernd og sjálfbærni fyrir íslenska grunnskóla | Guðrún Schmidt 1972- |
30.8.2010 | Aðgangur að rannsóknarniðurstöðum – opinn eða gegn gjaldi? | Áslaug Agnarsdóttir 1949- |
19.10.2012 | Aspects of the progressive in English and Icelandic | Kristín M. Jóhannsdóttir 1969- |
18.8.2016 | Bilingual Icelandic children’s language learning: How can Web 2.0 technology and various learning environments be introduced to enhance those children’s communicative and intercultural competences? | Anna Margrét Bjarnadóttir 1977- |
1.3.2011 | Bridging the gap in internet treatments for mental health: A fully automated online cognitive behaviour therapy for social anxiety for those who stutter | Fjóla Dögg Helgadóttir |
4.2.2016 | Bønder i pestens tid. Landbrug, godsdrift og social konflikt i senmiddelalderens islandske bondesamfund | Árni Daníel Júlíusson 1959- |
23.5.2014 | Calculation of quantum mechanical rate constants directly from ab initio atomic forces | Andri Arnaldsson 1976- |
4.10.2010 | Cognitive design. Creating the sets of categories and labels that structure our shared experience | Watson, Ian, 1970- |
12.8.2013 | De frie teatergrupper i Island i kulturpolitisk perspektiv | Anna Margrét Bjarnadóttir 1977- |
28.11.2014 | Dependently independent. Co-existence of institutional logics in the recorded music industry | Margrét Sigrún Sigurðardóttir 1972- |
26.2.2014 | Die Behandlung der Mundschleimhauttuberkulose | Geir R. Tómasson 1916- |
28.3.2014 | Does the wage structure depend on the wage contract? A study of public sector wage contracts in Iceland | Katrín Ólafsdóttir 1965- |
21.1.2014 | The Dry Fog of 1783: Environmental Impact and Human Reaction to the Lakagígar Eruption | Eyþór Halldórsson 1981- |
7.5.2013 | En profession i tilblivelse. En undersøgelse af de islandske pædagogers kamp for højere status i samfundet | Tinna Sigurðardóttir 1979- |
5.11.2014 | Entrepreneurship, technology, and the growth process. A study of young, medium-sized technology-based firms | Rögnvaldur J. Sæmundsson 1968- |
10.5.2013 | Et godt liv for svage ældre i den sidste tid på plejehjem. En kvalitativ interviewundersøgelse om svage ældres individuelle behov og ønsker til pleje og omsorg på plejehjem fra pårørendes perspektiv | Rannveig Guðnadóttir 1951- |
6.6.2024 | Evaluation of new carbon dioxide degassing equipment in RAS | Sigurður Ívar Skúlason 1997- |
30.4.2012 | Explaining the Crisis of Iceland: A Realist Approach | Ívar Jónsson 1955- |
22.1.2015 | From digital divide to digital opportunities? A critical perspective on the digital divide in South African schools | Gréta Björk Guðmundsdóttir 1968- |
21.1.2015 | From policy to practice. A study of the implementation of the Language-in-Education Policy (LiEP) in three South African Primary Schools | Halla Björk Hólmarsdóttir 1962- |
23.1.2014 | Genetic Variation and Expression of the IRF5 Gene in Autoimmune Diseases | Guðlaug Þóra Kristjánsdóttir 1972- |
3.5.2021 | How can the Icelandic primary school system meet the needs of refugee children and support their learning and development | Anna Sigríður Sveinbjörnsdóttir 1991- |
18.8.2014 | I kungens frånvaro. Formeringen av en isländsk aristokrati 1271–1387 | Sigríður Beck 1974- |
2.12.2011 | The Implementation and Use of ERMS: A Study in Icelandic Organizations | Jóhanna Gunnlaugsdóttir 1949- |