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Leiðbeinendur 1 til 17 af 17
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
19.9.2011Ekki eru allir bankamenn bankamenn : um starfsánægju framlínustarfsmanna í LandsbankanumMartha Kristín Pálmadóttir 1980-
20.12.2011Bætt þjónusta, virðing og velferð. Sívirk viðhorfskönnun hjá notendum heilbrigðis- og félagsþjónustuGuðrún Gyða Ölvisdóttir 1954-
2.8.2012Consumer trust in advertising in different mediaKristján Pétur Sæmundsson 1988-
2.8.2012The Youth in Europe Project-The Relation Between Physical Activity and Mental HealthTómas Leifsson 1985-
23.9.2013Using Video Modeling via iPad to Improve the Participation of a Child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in Reciprocal Play with PeersElín Anna Baldursdóttir 1988-
24.9.2013Attitude Measurement and Response Bias in a National-Referendum about a New Icelandic ConstitutionSævar Már Gústavsson 1991-
26.9.2013Effects of sport participation on adolescent self-esteem and body-image: differences in gender and types of sports exploredBirgir Páll Ómarsson 1989-
28.8.2014Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, and Purchasing Behavior in Retail Stores: The Effects of Patience and ServiceHildur Benediktsdóttir 1990-
28.8.2014Time Perception, Acceptable Wait, Patience, and Reneging Behavior in Tele-QueuesBrynhildur Laufey Brynjarsdóttir 1991-
1.9.2014Using Objective Measures of Customer Waiting Time to Correct Self-Reported PatienceSigríður Ósk Ólafsdóttir 1989-
16.8.2016The psychometric properties of the Icelandic version of the preschool anxiety scale-revisedHeiða Rut Guðmundsdóttir 1987-
12.6.2017Úr steypu í steinull : markaðsgreining fyrir Límtré VírnetÁrsæll Þór Ársælsson 1976-; Sara Jóhanna Jónsdóttir 1989-
24.10.2017The effect of appetite awareness training on mental health and eating habits among participants in obesity treatmentLilja Níelsdóttir 1976-
15.2.2018Advertising on social media : consumer´s attitude and behaviour towards social media advertisingJóhanna Ýr Hallgrímsdóttir 1990-
23.1.2020Effects of equine facilitated therapy on at-risk youth in treatmentSif Jónsdóttir 1985-
24.6.2020Adjunctive behavioral activation for bipolar I disorder : single caseEdda Sigfúsdóttir 1989-
16.6.2021Mental health services for people with learning disabilities and other related disorders in supported living in IcelandÍris Björk Indriðadóttir 1996-