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Tilgangur: Ritgerðin er lokaverkefni höfunda til BS prófs í tannsmíði við Heilbrigðisvísindasvið Háskóla Íslands haustið 2010. Leitað var svara við rannsóknarspurningunni: Hvernig hefur þróun fagsviðs og bóknámsrek haft áhrif á menntun íslenskra tannsmiða? Megintilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að varpa ljósi á þróun fagsviðs tannsmiða, áhrif bóknámsreks á menntun tannsmiða og áhrif námskráreks og kerfisreks á námskröfur í tannsmíði.
Aðferðir: Við rannsóknina voru notaðar eigindlegar og megindlegar rannsóknaraðferðir auk starfendarannsókna. Tekin voru viðtöl við heimildarmenn og spurningakönnun send til hentugleikaúrtaks. Leitað var íslenskra frumheimilda og stuðst við birt og óbirt gögn sem varða sögu Tannsmiðafélags Íslands auk ýmissa heimilda sem varða kennsluþróun í tannsmíði hér á landi og erlendis. Samanburður var gerður á námskrá í tannsmíði frá byrjun skipulagðrar kennslu í faginu til gildandi kennsluskrár Háskóla Íslands. Einnig var rakin þróun fagsins og starfsstéttarinnar á Íslandi. Rakið var hvernig menntun tannsmiða hefur verið háttað hér á landi, hvað hefur breyst og hvers vegna. Hugtökin bóknámsrek (e. academic drift), stofnanarek (e. institutional drift), kerfisrek (e. system drift), nemendarek (e. drift of the student body), deildarrek (e. faculty drift) og námskrárrek (e. curriculum drift) voru skoðuð.
Niðurstöður: Helstu niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar sýna að framfarir í tannsmíði hafa verið miklar frá því að nám og kennsla hófst hér á landi í faginu. Hægfara áhrifa þeirra gætir í námskröfum og námskrám, sem síðar leiddi til bóknámsreks og að lokum til kerfisreks innan stofanna.
Ályktun: Af niðurstöðum rannsóknarinnar má álykta að þær breytingar á námi tannsmiða úr því að vera nám á framhaldsskólastigi í það að vera nám á háskólastigi hafi verið í rökréttu samhengi við þróun fagsviðsins og samræmist kröfum gerðum til kunnáttu tannsmiða í dag. Eins muni breytingarnar stuðla að jákvæðri þróun námsins og tannsmíðafagsins á Íslandi, bæði nemendum og skjólstæðingum til hagsbóta.
Purpose: This thesis is a final project towards a BS degree in dental technology at the School of Health Sciences at the University of Iceland, conducted in the autumn term of 2010. The aim was to answer the research question: How has the evolution of the profession and academic drift influenced the education of Icelandic dental technicians? The main purpose of the research was to trace the evolution of methods of the trade, evaluate the influence of academic drift on education of dental technicians and assess the influence of curriculum drift and system drift on dental technology education.
Methods: In this research project both quantitative and qualitative research forms as well as action research were used. Interviews were taken with key informants and a questionnaire used for purposeful sampling. Old Icelandic official documents were investigated. Published and unpublished material were used concerning the history of the Association of Dental Technicians in Iceland as well as other documents that concern the development of teaching dental technology in Iceland and abroad. Comparison was made on the curriculum in dental technology in Iceland from the beginning of teaching the profession until today; currently a BS university degree. The evolution of the methods of the trade and the development of the profession was followed. The official history of dental technology education in this country was analyzed, the changes that have been made were investigated as well as the reason why they occurred. The concepts; academic-, institutional-, system-, faculty-, curriculum drift and drift of the student body was looked into and fitting concepts connected to the development of changes
Results: The main results of the research show that from the beginning of formal teaching of dental technology in this country progress has been rapid. Their formal influence is seen as slow progress. This has had the effect of producing a gradual increase in educational requirements and curriculum content which then has led to academic drift and finally to system drift within institutions.
Conclusion: From the research results it can be concluded that the changes that have taken place in the education of dental technicians from being a Higher Education degree to a BS University degree have been logical in the context of the trade’s evolution and coincides with the requirements demanded of dental technology today. The changes will also help towards a future positive evolution of dental technology in Iceland for the benefit of both students and clients.
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