Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
Markmið þessarar rannsóknar er að kanna hvort lengri tími líði frá broti að kæru ef gerandi er tengdur barni blóðböndum eða það sé kjörbarn hans, stjúpbarn, fósturbarn, sambúðarbarn eða tengt honum fjölskylduböndum í beinan legg eða barn sem honum hefur verið trúað fyrir til kennslu eða uppeldis.
Til að leita svara við þeirri spurningu var gerð rannsókn á dómum Hæstaréttar frá 1992 til byrjun árs 2010 þar sem sakfellt var fyrir brot gegn 200., 201. eða 202. gr. almennra hegningarlaga nr. 19/1940 og rannsakaður sá tími sem leið frá fyrsta broti gegn barni þar til kært var lögð fram. Einnig var skoðaður sá tími sem leið frá því að barn greindi frá broti gegn sér þar til kært var, í því augnamiði að kanna hvort algengt væri að brot sem kæmu upp innan fjölskyldunnar væru þögguð niður eða kærð seinna en annars.
Niðurstaða rannsóknarinnar sýndi fram á afgerandi mun milli annars vegar þess meðaltíma sem það tók að kæra brot sem heyrði undir 200. og 201. gr. hgl., þar sem gerandi tengist barninu fjölskyldu- eða trúnaðarböndum, og 200. gr. hins vegar þar sem ekki er gerður áskilnaður um sérstök tengsl milli geranda og brotaþola, en mun styttri tími leið alla jafna þar til kæra var lögð fram í þeim málum. Munurinn var minni á þeim meðaltíma sem leið frá því að barn greindi fyrst frá broti gegn sér þar til kæra var lögð fram.
Í ritgerðinni er einnig varpað fram hugsanlegum ástæðum þess að börn tilkynni seinna, eða tilkynni ekki, um brot gegn sér þegar gerandinn tengist þeim fjölskyldu- og trúnaðarböndum út frá athugasemdum sem komu fram í dómum Hæstaréttar um ástæðu tafar á kæru.
This thesis examines the period of time which passes from when a sexual offense against a child takes place until a criminal charge is made. The goal is to analyse whether this period of time is longer in the cases where the perpetrator is related to the child, connected to it through other means of family ties or a person who has been trusted for the child as a teacher or a mentor.
Seeking answers to this question, judgments of the Icelandic High Court were analyzed from 1992 to the beginning of 2010, were there was a guilty verdict of violation against articles 200, 201 or 202 of the General Penal Code No. 19/1940. The time which passed from the first offence against the child until the charges were made against was examined. Furthermore, the time which passed from when the child first told about an offence made against it and until a charge was made, was examined in order to disclose whether offences which occurred within the family were frequently silenced by family members or charged later than in other cases.
The research’s findings show that there was a decisive difference between the average time which passed before charges were made because of an offence based on articles 200 and 201 of the Penal Code; where the perpetrator either had family ties with the child or had been entrusted for it on one hand – and offences based solemnly on article 200 on the other hand, which is an article that does not stipulate a special association between a perpetrator and the victim. Much shorter time passed in most cases between the offence and the issuing of a charge in the case of the latter, where the perpetrator had no association with the child. Less difference was found between the average period of time which passed from when the child first told somebody about the offence until a charge was made.
The dissertation furthermore outlines potential reasons for why children inform later, or do not inform at all, about offences made against them when the perpetrator is connected to them through family ties or entrustment. These reasons are based on observations retrieved from the judgments of the High Court on the reasons for the postponement of charges.
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