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Háskólinn á Akureyri > Viðskipta- og raunvísindasvið > Meistaraprófsritgerðir >

Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:

  • Titill er á ensku Investigation of the potential for improving the efficiency of turbines of hydroelectric power generation stations of Alpiq
  • Meistara
  • Útdráttur er á ensku

    This thesis investigates the methodology for assessment of the potential for efficiency gain in hydroelectric power plants owned by Alpiq (Switzerland). Necessary introduction to Swiss electricity market, working principles of Pelton turbines and turbines' efficiency has been presented in the initial chapters. Thorough review of recent publications and scientific articles has been performed. The research is focused on turbines' efficiency gain and involves all components installed inside powerhouse. The studies on losses analysis in each component of turbine, reason for their occurrence and the methods of their minimization have been prepared. Gordon's efficiency prediction and theoretical power plant design are described as well as utilization of these tools for comparison with actual values. Basing on statistical data, experience from several power plants, state-of-the-art experiments and knowledge contained in many publications as well as done investigation, the methodology for efficiency gain estimation is precisely presented. Using this methodology as well as before-mentioned tools, selected Alpiq's hydropower schemes have been assessed and proper inferences have been drawn. In addition, following methodology has been presented as a computer's algorithm, which could be used to write the software in chosen computer language.
    As the requirement of this thesis, the particular chapter is devoted to Polish issues. Application of investigated methodology and possibility of its usage in Polish hydropower plants is described and some recommendations and modifications are included. Finally, the conclusions from whole work are emphasized in the last chapter.
    Due to limitation of available time for research, only selected Alpiq's power stations and their assessment is presented. Also, the methodology is not converted into computer program from the same reason. Nevertheless, general algorithm explains all processes and programmers may have choice of proffered computer language.

  • Styrktaraðili er á ensku EEA Financial Mechanism - Project PL0460
    Alpiq Suisse SA (Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • Verkefnið er unnið í tengslum við Háskóla Íslands og Háskólann á Akureyri
  • 15.3.2011

Skráarnafn Stærð AðgangurLýsingSkráartegund 
Dariusz Loza, final version, 16.02.2011.pdf5.97 MBLokaðurHeildartextiPDF
Dariusz Loza, final version, 16.02.2011 - parts.pdf5.97 MBOpinnGreinargerðPDFSkoða/Opna