Vinsamlegast notið þetta auðkenni þegar þið vitnið til verksins eða tengið í það:
The myth of the vampire can be found throughout history. When the literary vampire came forth its popularity kept growing steadily. This essay will be discussing the author Anne Rice and her Vampire Chronicles and how her writing helped change and forge a new tradition in vampire fiction. The specifics of Rice’s vampires characters will be discussed, the changes she produced, and the explicit traits of the vampires in Rice’s fiction such as their connection to the Byronic hero and to the sexuality of the vampire. To bring out the these traits this essay will analyze the first three books in The Vampire Chronicles to show how Rice manages to grab the reader through not only her story-telling talent, but Rice’s intellectual, melancholic, erotic and alluring characters that are somewhat perverse but in an oddly charming and seductive way.
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