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Í þessari ritgerð er ætlunin að skoða hlutverk og þróun skírnar í íslensku samfélagi út frá þeirri vígsluathöfn sem hún er en einnig út frá hefð og þjóðtrú. Veraldleg tákn skírnarinnar verða skoðuð eins og skírnarkjóllinn, skírnarfonturinn og hið helga vatn sem öll eiga það sameiginlegt að vera ómissandi hluti skírnarathafnar.
Við rannsókn mína hef ég skoðað ýmis rit sem fjalla um vígsluathafnir, spurningaskrár þjóðháttadeildar Þjóðminjasafns Íslands og íslenskar þjóðsögur. Til að meta viðhorf foreldra í dag til ákveðinna þátta skírnarinnar voru tvær kannanir settar inn á veraldarvefinn. Fyrri könnunin fjallaði um hvar fólk lét skíra börn sín en sú síðari hvers vegna fólk lét skíra börn sín.
Ritgerðin skiptist í fjóra meginkafla. Fyrsti kaflinn, „Hvað er skírn“, fjallar um skírn út frá kenningum um vígsluathafnir þar sem einstaklingur fer á milli sviða samfélagsins. Annar kaflinn, „Hinar ýmsu gerðir skírnar“, tekur fyrir skemmri skírn, kirkjuskírn og heimaskírn. Tákn skírnarinnar eru skoðuð í þriðja kafla en sterk hefð er fyrir mörgum táknum skírnarinnar. Í síðasta kaflanum er leitast við að varpa ljósi á hvers vegna foreldrar í dag láta skíra börn sín.
Helstu niðurstöður þessarar rannsóknar eru að skírnarhefðin er mjög sterk í okkar samfélagi, fólki þykir vænt um þessa athöfn og tákngildi hennar. Tilgangur skírnarinnar í hugum foreldra virðist í dag ekki vera bókstaflega að tryggja börnunum vist í himnaríki eða eilífa velferð. Hún er meira í hugum þeirra sem vígsluathöfn inn í kristið samfélag en ekki síst inn í samfélag stórfjölskyldunnar sem sameinast og fagnar fæðingu nýs einstaklings.
In this thesis I intend to look at the role and development of Christening in the Icelandic community throughout time, examining not only its religious role, but also its social role as seen from the viewpoint of tradition and folklore. As part of this examination, I will be putting focus on the materialistic symbols of Christening, such as the christening dress, the christening font, and the holy water which all have key roles to play in Christening today.
The source material for the research has been drawn from numerous publications about life ceremonies, including questionnaire material from the Ethnology Department at the National Museum of Iceland and Icelandic folklore. In order to be able to evaluate the sentiments of today’s Icelandic parents towards Christenings, two additional surveys were placed on the World Wide Web. The first survey addressed where parents christened their children and the second why parents christened their children.
The thesis is divided into four main chapters. The first chapter “What is Christening?” explores christening from the viewpoint of theories relating to festival and ritual. Chapter Two, “Different Types of Christenings” looks at church christenings, home christenings and more. “The Symbols of Christening” is the topic of Chapter Three, and examines those strong traditions regarding many symbols of Christening. The fourth and last chapter addresses of the question why parents today choose to christen their children.
The main conclusions of this research are that the tradition of Christening is very strong in Icelandic society and that people still care deeply about this ceremony and its symbolic value. Today parents’ views about the purpose of christening their children seem not to be literally related to ensuring their children a place in heaven or their eternal wellbeing. Christening in the minds of many of today’s parents is a seen first and foremost as an official passing into Christian society. Equally important is that is an official passing into the society of the family at large who unite to celebrate the arrival of the new individual.
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BA ritgerð - Ég skíri þig.pdf | 493.54 kB | Open | Heildartexti | View/Open |