20.5.2009 | Social connection and urban fabric in Reykjavik at the dawn of the global economic downturn | Precedo, Pedro Vazquez, 1969- |
23.6.2015 | Unfastening fashion : a research experiment with a sustainable locally run workshop in Reykjavik | Cribben, Fiona Mary, 1978- |
24.6.2015 | Intersections : reciprocal influences between similar practices in fashion and architecture | Palencia, Andres Eduardo Pelaez, 1986- |
21.6.2016 | The Conscientious Consumer : is there such a thing as a conscientious consumer in the fashion industry? | Júlíanna Ósk Hafberg 1992- |
22.6.2016 | Urban agriculture : responding to the needs of the cities of yesterday, today and tomorrow | David Ingi Bustion 1992- |
28.6.2016 | Harmony and connection | Pak Eusun, 1986- |
28.6.2016 | Harmony and connection : human connectedness through social design | Pak Eusun, 1986- |
12.6.2017 | Ice – water – vapour : anthropogenic curating of glaciers as a tool to reconnect human development to the biosphere | Bünter, Evelin Sonja, 1985- |
12.6.2017 | Living in a high temperature geothermal area : the impact of geothermal energy on the architecture, townscape and society of Hveragerði | Ásta Sóllilja Þorsteinsdóttir 1991- |
12.6.2017 | Symbiosis of human and water in the anthropocene | Havsteen-Mikkelsen, Gudrun E., 1992- |
12.6.2018 | Prison design : general considerations of prison design in Iceland | Mangubat, Sarah Daisog, 1994- |
18.6.2019 | Úthýsing | Arnaldur Bragi Jakobsson 1993- |
18.6.2019 | Nýtt upphaf | Baldur Haraldsson 1994- |
18.6.2019 | Fluga á vegg | Ella Dís Thorarensen 1995- |
18.6.2019 | Upprisa | Fanney Margrét Eiríksdóttir 1994- |
18.6.2019 | Inngrip í upprunaleikann | Guðrún Sara Guðmundsdóttir 1992- |
18.6.2019 | Opus | Haukur Hafliði Nínuson 1995- |
18.6.2019 | Sam/runi | Julia Brekkan 1994- |
18.6.2019 | Samhljómur | Stefanía Anna Fl. Albertsdóttir 1991- |
18.6.2019 | Rótfesta | Þórdís Ólöf Sigurjónsdóttir 1995- |