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Listaháskóli Íslands > Hönnunar- og arkitektúrdeild / Department of Design and Architecture >
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Titlar 570 til 594 af 1.289
12.6.2017Ice – water – vapour : anthropogenic curating of glaciers as a tool to reconnect human development to the biosphereBünter, Evelin Sonja, 1985-
5.6.2013Icelandic alphabet books : a key to the cultureBuzukina, Viktoriia, 1987-
18.5.2012The identity of the traditional costume : Japan and EuropeShirato, Mai, 1978-
12.6.2018Ólöf Sigþórsdóttir 1994-
25.5.2011IKEA og hönnuðurinnInga Dóra Jóhannsdóttir 1975-
19.6.2023Illgresi og óvelkomnar plöntur : staðsetning, samhengi og markmiðHrafnhildur Gunnarsdóttir 1998-
25.6.2020Ilmurinn fyllir vitin : lykt sem hráefniSylvía Dröfn Jónsdóttir 1994-
1.2.2021Imaginary Vision of Environmental Change: Taking Design Fiction as CaseLi, Lu, 1992-
18.6.2014Implementing programming methods in the process of designing typefaces : a designers point of viewElsa Jónsdóttir 1990-
23.6.2015In a constant state of flux : embracing impermanence of colors in natural inkDroplaug Benediktsdóttir 1986-
22.6.2021In a State Of SolitudePradhan, Vikram, 1997-
12.6.2017Individuality is freedomHanna Margrét Arnardóttir 1993-
12.6.2018Ingólfstorg : hlúir borgin að mannlífi sínu?Þórbergur Friðriksson 1993-
25.6.2020Ingustofa : sjálfbær vefstofa á SólheimumSædís Ýr Jónasdóttir 1997-
12.6.2017Inn að beiniValdís Steinarsdóttir 1990-
18.6.2024Inn í annan heim : gáttir fantasíu í list og tískuGuðrún Ísafold Hilmarsdóttir 1997-
19.5.2009Innblástur eða eftirlíkingKristinn Gunnar Atlason 1982-
19.6.2023InnfariKatrín Dögg Óðinsdóttir Kaewmee 1993-
18.6.2019Inngrip í upprunaleikannGuðrún Sara Guðmundsdóttir 1992-
4.6.2013Innra skipulag norskættaðra timburhúsa : þróun, einkenni og eiginleikarElísabet Sara Emilsdóttir 1989-
12.6.2017INSTANT GRATIFICATION/MORE IS MOREKristín Karlsdóttir 1990-
21.5.2012InternetlistHrefna Sigurðardóttir 1989-
23.6.2015The interrogation of ProteusHjálmar Baldursson 1986-
24.6.2015Intersections : reciprocal influences between similar practices in fashion and architecturePalencia, Andres Eduardo Pelaez, 1986-
19.5.2009Is computer generated imagery ruining story-telling? : what has CGI brought to us throughout it's massive increase in the movie business?Steinn Alex Jónsson 1986-