Samþykkt | Titill | Höfundur(ar) |
28.5.2021 | Development and testing of a method for glacier surface properties detection and classification using high resolution multispectral remote sensing for Langjökull ice cap and neighboring glaciers | Salka Kolbeinsdóttir 1995- |
1.10.2015 | Improving Spring Melt Calculations of Surface Runoff in the Upper Þjórsá River Using Measured Snow Accumulation | Reynir Óli Þorsteinsson 1982- |
14.2.2022 | Investigation of the water saving potential and electricity production using Floating Solar Photovoltaics on the San Vicente Reservoir, California | Keith Marc Pacelli Gonsalves 1991- |
31.5.2016 | Samspil grunnvatns og rennslis Tungnaár | Snævarr Örn Georgsson 1990- |
3.6.2016 | Snjósjármælingar á Tungnaárjökli | Gestur Jónsson 1989- |
8.6.2020 | Varmaleiðing í einvíðu fjöllaga hjarnlíkani | Gísli Björn Helgason 1998- |
14.2.2018 | Þróun og hönnun GPS mælitækis til mælinga á skriðhraða jökla | Helgi Karl Guðmundsson 1989- |