7.6.2011 | Art and society | Joensen, Unn, 1974- |
10.1.2014 | Bioeconomy, productivity and sustainability. Case study of the Faroe Islands | Johannessen, Birgit, 1983- |
19.1.2018 | Different paths towards autonomy: A comparison of the political status of the Faroe Islands and Iceland in the first half of the 19th century | Regin Winther Poulsen 1994- |
4.10.2021 | Factors impacting Faroese food importers’ supplier decisions : a qualitative study on food imports to the Faroe Islands | Jóhanna Magnusardóttir Isaksen 1992- |
5.5.2023 | The Faroe Islands and the Amendment of the Hate Crime Statute §266b. A history of the Faroese LGBT+ community, homophobia and religion, from 1980’s to the mid 2000’s | Magnus Steinsson við Streym 1996- |
23.7.2015 | The Faroe Islands and the Arctic: Genesis of a Strategy | Bailes, Alyson J.K., 1949-; Beinta í Jákobsstovu, 1951- |
7.5.2013 | The Faroe Islands’ Security Policy in a Process of Devolution | Beinta í Jákupsstovu, 1951-; Berg, Regin |
12.6.2017 | Faroese visual identity through folklore | Heiðrikur Brynjolfur T á Heygum 1983- |
18.6.2024 | The Faroe-Shetland Connection : an architectural analysis of two side-by-side archipelagos | Jákup Nielsen 1996- |
18.6.2019 | The fragility of Faroese jazz | Ludvig, Arnold, 1968- |
29.8.2007 | Fyrstu fréttir af fötlun barns : upplifun foreldra | Gyðja Johannesen |
5.5.2009 | Listin og Guð. Hvernig viðhorf Sámals Joensen Mikines til trúarinnar höfðu áhrif á myndval hans og efnistök | Harpa Flóventsdóttir 1982- |
28.6.2016 | Loss of longline-bait to northern fulmars : economic balance between damage from bait-loss and costs of measures to reduce seabird bycatch on the Faroe Islands | Kühn, Susanne, 1987- |
21.4.2009 | Norrænu sjálfstjórnarsvæðin og Evrópusambandið | Jóhannes Vollertsen 1986- |
30.5.2014 | Spatial Access Priority Mapping: A Quantitative GIS Method for Inclusive Marine Spatial Planning | Rannvá Danielsen 1986- |
12.6.2017 | Traces of musical heritage in Faroese popular music | Atli Kárason Petersen 1963- |
9.7.2013 | Vestnorden. A functional region? | Grétar Þór Eyþórsson 1959-; Hovgaard, Gestur |
3.5.2011 | Virk eða óvirk peningastefna? Samanburður á peningastefnu Íslands og Færeyja | Brynhildur Gunnarsdóttir 1968- |
9.1.2017 | Vöxtur fiskeldisframleiðslu á Íslandi, Noregi, Skotlandi og Færeyjum | Fanney Þorbjörg Guðmundsdóttir 1992- |