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Leiðbeinendur 1 til 14 af 14
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
25.1.2011A distributed dialog architecture with learningGuðný Ragna Jónsdóttir 1973-
9.9.2014Exploring the potential macroeconomic impacts of branch banking practicesDavíð Steinar Guðjónsson 1983-
30.1.2024A foundation for autonomous conceptual engineering designChloe Schaff 1999-
7.7.2016FraMoTEC: A Framework for Modular Task-Environment Construction for Evaluating Adaptive Control SystemsÞröstur Thorarensen 1991-
19.8.2013General Attention Mechanism for Artificial Intelligence SystemsHelgi Páll Helgason 1977-
13.6.2022Innleiðing sjálfvirkni í viðskiptaferlumBreki Barkarson 1997-
12.6.2024Meaning generation in autonomous grounded systemsGregorio Talevi 1999-
8.6.2011A Methodology for Simulating Biological Cell Systems with Cellular Automata: The Case of the Human HeartGuðrún Fema Ólafsdóttir 1989-
16.1.2023NexusShafagh Pirouz 1989-
2.6.2023Ontology-driven agent-based modeling approachSofia Basílio Valente Da Silva 1996-
24.6.2020Performance of an AGI-aspiring system & narrow-AI approaches : a systematic comparisonSindri Páll Andrason 1994-
14.6.2022Self-explaining artificial Intelligence : on the requirements for autonomous explanation generationHjörleifur Rörbeck 1986-
24.11.2016Sjálfvirkni og gervigreind : tækifæri í íslensku atvinnulífiAnna Dís Þorvaldsdóttir 1993-; Hafdís Bergsdóttir Sandholt 1993-
29.9.2021Towards a theory of causally grounded tasksMatteo Belenchia 1997-