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21.10.2010 | Á veðramótum. Íslenskar veðurspár og veðurþekking þjóðarinnar fyrr og nú | Eiríkur Valdimarsson 1982- |
12.6.2017 | Blikur | Dagný Björg Stefánsdóttir 1990- |
28.5.2019 | Comparison of a Numerical Weather Prediction Model with two different Horizontal Resolutions for North-West Iceland: An Analysis of the skill of the Harmonie-Arome model at 2.5 km and 750 m horizontal resolutions | Páll Ágúst Þórarinsson 1995- |
12.6.2024 | Ensemble of artifical neural networks for seasonal forecasting of wind speed in eastern Canada | Pia Milena Leminski 1997- |
14.6.2022 | Forecasting solar power production using deep learning and high resolution weather forecasts | Einar Helgi Guðmundsson 1992- |
8.6.2023 | Operational availability of alternate airports in Iceland : analysis of availability and forecasting | Snorri Björn Gunnarsson 1987- |
26.5.2023 | Time series methods for improving weather model temperature forecasts | Íris Ósk Hilmarsdóttir 1998- |
2.7.2015 | Use of weather data in supply chain management | Elín Anna Gísladóttir 1988- |