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Efnisorð 1 til 25 af 244
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10.10.2023"Change everything"? : the economy for the common good’s impacts on companies and communities and the potentials for regional developmentRoland, Sophia, 1992-
20.6.2019Absence of recovery in a degraded eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) bed in Nova Scotia, Canada : results from a transplant studyWilson, Erin Kathleen, 1994-
20.6.2019Abundance and distribution shifts of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in ÍsafjarðardjúpBrown, Justin Lee, 1990-
20.6.2019Acoustic seabed mapping in central Chile : evaluation of echo sounder and description of kelp bed under different management and environmental regimesVega, Ignacio Baena, 1993-
16.6.2020Agree without aggregating: An extension of multi-criteria decision theory for multiple decision makers in the management of coastal erosionBjerkén, August, 1992-
22.6.2010An Exploratory Study of a Situated Learning-to-Change Process in Three Eastern Cape Coastal CommunitiesStollak, Danielle G
25.8.2015An analysis of common Guillemot Uria aalge chick diet, Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica productivity, and Great Skua Stercorarius skua diet on Mingulay, Outer HebridesLawrence, Sarah Elizabeth, 1989-
30.6.2022Anthropogenic microparticle ingestion by capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the Denmark StraitBrawn, Caitlin Ellen, 1994-
25.6.2012Applying a Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) to the Westfjords, Iceland : a preliminary assessmentDavies, William Thomas Ronald, 1985-
9.8.2017Applying a coastal vulnerability index to San Mateo County and comparing to stakeholders' perception of riskGerrity, Brian Francis, 1993-
24.6.2013An approach towards sustainable coastal tourism management : nature-based tourism in Nuup Kangerlua, GreenlandHildur Sólveig Elvarsdóttir 1985-
24.6.2013Arctic and subarctic gateways for private nautical tourism : a feasibility study for marina development in Ísafjörður, IcelandBrötzmann, Maik, 1979-
25.10.2021Assessing coastal risk and improving resilience : Cape Jourimain National Wildlife AreaGautreau, Cassandra Elizabeth, 1991-
27.10.2023Assessing community attitudes towards aquaculture and perceptions of equity : a case study from Seyðisfjörður, East IcelandKulczycki, Kayla-Marie, 1997-
28.6.2016Assessing the cooperative management regime in Gwaii Haanas national park reserve, national marine conservation area reserve and Haida heritage siteSargeant, Jean Phillip , 1991-
29.10.2020Assessing the degree of maerl habitat fragmentation affecting fish species richness and abundanceValliant, Michelle, 1991-
14.8.2017Assessing the effectiveness of a bottom up approach to marine protected area management : a study of Beqa Island, FijiPeters, Joshua, 1993-
24.8.2015Assessment of sea lice infection rates on wild populations of salmonids in Arnarfjörður, IcelandKarbowski, Niklas, 1991-
20.6.2019An assessment of the biological and socio-economic feasibility for successful culturing of the Iceland Scallop (Chlamys islandica) in the Westfjords of IcelandArgue, David, 1973-
21.6.2011An assessment of the environmental impact of cargo transport by road and sea in IcelandGernez, Etienne
18.6.2018An assessment of the trophic ecology of escaped farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in relation to native salmonids in the Westfjords, IcelandSimmons, Olivia Meredith, 1994-
16.6.2020An assessment of whale watching impacts on the behaviour of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Skjálfandi Bay, IcelandVatcher, Hanna, 1993-
12.6.2023Back country winter recreation in the Westfjords : exploring changes and adaption strategiesPrice, Isabelle Iris, 1998-
14.8.2017Bait selection study of the invasive European green crab (Carcinus maenas) in Newfoundland, CanadaButt, Mary Alliston, 1993-
9.8.2017A Bayesian approach to ecosystem service trade-off analysis : the case of the Curonian Lagoon in LithuaniaHöfer, Solveig Helga, 1989-