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Efnisorð 1 til 25 af 49
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
20.6.2011Anthropogenic impact on the microbiota of seashore and freshwater environments in Northern and Eastern Iceland : preliminary assessment and surfactant-degrader bioprospectingMaría Markúsdóttir
16.6.2014Arctic Indigenous rights : the journey from Welfare State to Competition StateAlfa Dröfn Jóhannsdóttir 1983-
1.1.2007Arctic Social Indicators : fate control and material well-beingBrynjar Helgi Ásgeirsson
1.1.2007Arctic Social Indicators : measuring change in human development in the ArticOlga Sif Guðmundsdóttir
28.10.2021Assessing the potential for renewable energy systems in remote arctic communities as a means of reducing regional diesel fuel dependenceKendall Alexis Cromartie 1996-
10.9.2019Áherslumál og ógnir norðurslóðaríkjanna: Samanburðarrannsókn á stefnum norðurslóðaríkjanna til málefna norðurslóðaÞórdís Halla Guðmundsdóttir 1990-
13.6.2012Áhrif og afleiðingar hækkandi lofthita á norðurslóðumSilvia Llorens Izaguirre 1978-
1.1.2007Áskoranir í valddreifingu og auðlindastjórnun á norðurskautssvæðinu í kjölfar veðurfarsbreytingaKári Fannar Lárusson
5.7.2011The Barents environmental cooperation : a legitimacy analysisSellheim, Nikolas
26.1.2017Benthic community mapping in the northern Dreki area, IcelandJessica Tadhunter 1991-
9.1.2017Birtingarmynd loftslagsbreytinga í norðurslóðastefnum ríkja og alþjóðastofnanaBryndís Samúelsdóttir 1990-
8.1.2019Breytt öryggisumhverfi Íslands: Ísland og norðurslóðirEmil Ísleifur Sumarliðason 1996-
5.5.2014The Changing Perspectives of Ice in International Relations: Prospect of an International Ice Regime in the High ArcticKluczyński, Kamil Łukasz, 1986-
18.6.2024Consequences of coloniality on contemporary Iceland-Greenland relationsHelga Guðrún Númadóttir 1993-
15.6.2016Cruise tourism in the Arctic : sustainability issues and protection of the marine environment in international lawNordblom, Ulrika, 1986-
7.10.2020Cryptotephras in European Arctic: extending tephrochronology to northern Finland and RussiaElena Garova 1996-
5.2.2015Decision model for the Arctic : cross-impact analysisSigurður Valur Guðmundsson 1984-
6.5.2013Drekinn horfir til norðurs: Átökin um Norðurpólinn, hagsmunir og staða ÍslandsÁgústa Kristín Grétarsdóttir 1969-
18.6.2012Education and indigenous knowledge in the ArcticÞórhildur Jónsdóttir 1972-
31.1.2024Effects of soil temperature on Sphagnum moss litter quality and decomposition in a subarctic environmentSahra K. I. Gibson 1997-
3.6.2019Energy Security in the Arctic: A Case Study of Renewable Energy on Grimsey IslandDiBari, Christian Patrick, 1993-
18.6.2024Engagement of indigenous peoples and inclusion of their knowledge in the Arctic Council and CAFFKári Fannar Lárusson 1980-
14.6.2013The EU, the Arctic and Arctic indigenous peoples : a proposalScarpa, Federica, 1983-
23.7.2015The Faroe Islands and the Arctic: Genesis of a StrategyBailes, Alyson J.K., 1949-; Beinta í Jákobsstovu, 1951-
9.7.2008Háskóli norðurslóða : uppbygging, þróun og tengsl við Háskólann á AkureyriAnna Aðalsteinsdóttir