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11.6.2018 | Líftæknilegar aðferðir til lengingar á geymsluþoli bleikjuflaka | Alex Freyr Hilmarsson 1993- |
19.6.2023 | Storage of iced salmon in insulated reusable food containers and EPS boxes - impact on quality and yield. | Muhammad Mir Showkat 1984- |
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26.9.2019 | Utilization of by-products from the salmon industry: The chemical composition and storage stability of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) heads | Zhihao Liu 1995- |
8.6.2017 | Vöruþróun nýrra próteinafurða. Frostþurrkað skyr | Guðlaug Gylfadóttir 1988- |