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8.6.2023 | Permafrost mitigation solutions for underground thermal energy storage in Baker Lake, Nunavut | Abra Roberta Gold 1999- |
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12.6.2023 | A social-ecological analysis of coral reef ecosystem health and stakeholder perceptions at Islas Marietas National Park | Burroughs, Carina Eloise, 1998- |
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18.6.2020 | What are you whaling for? : rationalizing conservation and indigenous customary fishery : case study of customary fishery of Lamalerans in Indonesia’s Savu Sea | Maukar, Maesa, 1987- |
14.6.2022 | ‘Heavy is the Mountain’ : the tension between place attachment and the perception of hazards, climate change and place disruption, revealed through virtual walking tours in Patreksfjörður, Iceland | Simmons, Frances Eleanor, 1984- |