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5.10.2021 | Functional characterisation of gluconate kinase and its role in human cell metabolism | Kayleigh Angela Falconbridge 1994- |
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28.5.2021 | The impact of hereditary hemochromatosis on the expression of iron regulatory proteins in platelets | Hekla Mjöll Finnbogadóttir 1997- |
31.5.2024 | Isoform-specific effects of ATG7 on metabolism: metabolomic and fluxomic analysis of central carbon metabolism | Ingvi Karl Jónsson 1998- |
29.5.2024 | Lipidomics in the Chondrogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells | Eyrún Inga Maríusdóttir 2001- |
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8.2.2024 | Zebrafish model of ADHD : analysis of metabolomic and lipidomic pathways | Brynja Rún Sævarsdóttir 1996- |