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Leiðbeinendur 1 til 21 af 21
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
5.10.2018Afforestation and biodiversity: Changes in biodiversity of birds, beetles and ground vegetation along a successional gradient in a black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) plantation in South IcelandGundelach, Tallulah, 1992-
16.6.2023Áskoranir við stjórnun á löngum gönguleiðum á ÍslandiGréta María Bergsdóttir 1972-
14.9.2022Direct Seeding as an Alternative Method to Planting for Woodland Creation in Iceland: A Field Assessment with Focus on the underlying Supply Chains for Woodland CreationJannick Elsner 1995-
29.5.2019Discourses on mapping and Indigenous (environmental) knowledgeBlachfellner, Miryam, 1986-
21.5.2024Enabling Factors, Drivers, and Barriers in Forest Transitions from Deforestation to Afforestation: Lessons from HekluskógarShauna Maria Naffah 1998-
8.9.2021Governing Common Pool Resources for Sustainability: An Institutional Analysis of the Evolving Sheep Grazing Regime in IcelandSonya Michelle Morud 1997-
5.5.2021How do cultural belief systems of sacred groves contribute to environmental conservation, and their specific threats? A case study of the Gua Koo sacred grove in Pokuase, GhanaBeatrice Dossah 1987-
28.9.2022Iceland's Circularity IndexGuðmundur Steingrímsson 1972-
30.5.2023Iceland's fair share. Estimating Iceland's fair share of the emissions gap and the global carbon budget.Aðalbjörg Egilsdóttir 1996-
8.5.2017Livelihood Strategies and Food Security nexus in Vanuatu: Implications for the new challenges of the food security agendaSimnovec, Anze, 1983-
13.12.2021Local Governments and Environmental Policy in IcelandKristrún Halla Gylfadóttir 1993-
24.5.2022Marine Protected Areas in Iceland, Assessment of Designation and ImplementationEveline Bünter 1985-
25.5.2023Mitigating Pollution from Cruise Ships: Analysing the Environmental Port IndexKaren Jónasdóttir 1995-
10.1.2024Navigating Indonesia‘s Marine Protected Area Expansion: Examining the Realities of MPA Governance in East Flores Regency, East Nusa TenggaraVidre Patria 1996-
9.5.2018Of Sheep and Men. Analysis of the agri-environmental cross-compliance policies in the Icelandic sheep grazing regimeJóhann Helgi Stefánsson 1989-
7.1.2021The Political Ecology of Protected Areas: The Case of Vatnajökull National ParkFeingold, Margo, 1992-
11.5.2018Productive performance of the Lake Victoria fishing fleet in Uganda: Technical efficiency and fishers’ perspectiveMpomwenda, Veronica, 1991-
28.9.2023The Promise of Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECM) to advance biodiversity conservation in IcelandHelga Hvanndal Björnsdóttir 1992-
29.9.2021Sustainable Development in marine salmon fish farming in Iceland: Revealing key stakeholders’ perceptions of synergies, tradeoffs, and possible solutionsLouise Sara Kristin Axdorff 1992-
19.5.2023Transition towards co-management of protected areas in the Hindu Kush-Karakoram-Himalaya region: An analysis of the governance system of Central Karakoram National Park, PakistanAhmed Nawaz 1982-
1.4.2020Understandings of wilderness: Implications for wilderness identification and management in IcelandJauch, Angela Margerita, 1992-