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Efnisorð 1 til 23 af 23
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
5.6.2015Áhrif lífrænnar mengunar á lífríki sjávarbotns í BreiðafirðiValtýr Sigurðsson 1982-
30.5.2022Áhrif mengandi efna á krækling (Mytilus edulis) í höfnum á Suðurnesjum skoðuð með notkun lífmerkjaSandra Dögg Georgsdóttir 1999-
31.1.2019Áhrif olíu á krækling (Mytilus edulis L.) frá hreinu og menguðu svæði við Ísland: uppsöfnun PAH efna og DNA skemmdir.Ásdís Ólafsdóttir 1986-
26.1.2017Benthic community mapping in the northern Dreki area, IcelandJessica Tadhunter 1991-
18.6.2018Coastal litter in Ísafjörður, Iceland : exploring marine litter through science, ecofeminist theory, and artDurovich, Graeme Lincoln, 1992-
25.1.2022Coastal plastic pollution monitoring in IcelandLaureen Burlat 1994-
14.8.2017Deposits from historic events in the Aurlandsfjord, Western Norway, over the last 40 years : the pollution recordVenneman, Martine, 1992-
17.10.2024Iceland’s commitment to clean beaches : a legal and policy analysis of strategies for marine litter reductionJohanna Maria Franke 1996-
19.6.2023Lengi hefur sjórinn tekið viðGuðrún Kolbeinsdóttir 1997-
10.10.2023Marine litter as a vector for fouling species in the southwest, northeast, and Westfjords of IcelandHolly Athalie Solloway 1995-
14.6.2021Microplastic ingestion by Atlantic mackerel and blue whiting in Icelandic watersMalinen, Anni, 1997-
25.2.2020Occurrence, prevalence, and classification of fishing related marine debris in Iceland’s WestfjordsO'Rourke, Amy, 1995-
14.8.2017Plastic ingestion in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) on the east coast of Newfoundland, Canada : results from a citizen science monitoring project, with policy recommendations for long-term monitoringMelvin, Jessica, 1991-
8.1.2018Plastmengun í hafi: Hvað er til ráða?Guðfinnur Sigurvinsson 1978-
7.10.2014Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mussel from Iceland: Food safety and environmental aspectBerglind Ósk Alfreðsdóttir 1987-
12.6.2023Rainbow sheens and headlines : media coverage of oil spills in the Puget Sound, USAShamlian, Leah Camille, 1993-
28.6.2016Risk mutualization against marine pollution : a socio-environmental study in the Ria de Vigo, NW SpainGrossmann, Schimon, 1977-
29.10.2020Source-to-sink : transport of weapons-test 239+240Pu deposited in Icelandic glaciersBiles, Celeste Marie, 1967-
25.8.2015Understanding species-microplastics interactions : a laboratory study on the effects of microplastics on the Azorean barnacle, Megabalanus azoricusHentschel, Lisa-Henrike, 1987-
20.6.2019Understanding the occurrence and fate of microplastics in the Arctic fjords of SvalbardPurver, Madeleine Lydia Susan, 1992-
1.1.2006Úttekt á frárennsli FESRagnheiður Sveinþórsdóttir
20.6.2019What did our dinner have for lunch? : analysing microplastics by dissolving fish guts from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and saithe (Pollachius virens) from the west coast of Icelandde Vries, Adriana Neeltje, 1995-
22.1.2016Öndunarmælingar á bogkrabba (Carcinus maenas) í hafnarsetiÁsta Maack 1991-