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Efnisorð 1 til 25 af 95
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
22.2.2024"Maður fær ekki til baka það sem maður hafði" : upplifun kvenna á breytingum líkamans í gegnum meðgöngu og brjóstagjöfSólveig Jóhannsdóttir 1983-
8.6.2020Adolescents and body image : the effect of social media usage, physical activity, and genderIngibjörg Bergmann 1995-
11.8.2016Associations between childhood sexual abuse, body image and the development of eating disordersSvava Guðrún Helgadóttir 1992-
25.8.2015Associations between childhood sexual abuse, substance use and body imageErna Björnsdóttir 1989-
9.5.2012Áhrif fjölmiðla á líkamsmynd unglingsstúlknaHelga Sara Henrysdóttir 1987-
10.5.2017Áhrif holdafars á hamingju Íslendinga árið 2012.Erna Rakel Baldvinsdóttir 1991-
1.7.2020Áhrif margþættrar mismunar á líkamsímynd fatlaðra kvenna : líkamsvirðingarbyltingin í brennidepliÍris Svava Pálmadóttir 1994-
16.8.2016Body image and eating disorders symptoms among Icelandic athletesPetra Sigurðardóttir 1988-
17.1.2019Body image and self-esteem among adolescents in Iceland: the effect of social media use and differences between gendersSalka Sigurðardóttir 1995-
9.8.2016Body image concerns and depressed mood : a study on gender and sexual orientation differencesErna Björk Einarsdóttir 1992-
19.9.2011Body image trends among Icelandic adolescents: a cross-sectional national study from 1997-2009Guðrún Ingólfsdóttir 1974-
10.10.2008Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ): Próffræðilegir eiginleikar og tengsl við lystarstol og lotugræðgiDórothea Ævarsdóttir 1981-; María Guðnadóttir 1978-
19.5.2022Breyting á líkamsímynd einstaklinga með MS: Fræðileg samantektBergþóra Björk Jónsdóttir 1998-
14.12.2012Brjóstastækkanir í fegrunarskyni: Upplifun og viðhorf kvenna með falsaða brjóstapúðaThelma Björk Guðbjörnsdóttir 1987-
29.5.2019Burden of beauty ideals : the association of body image and weight control behaviors with suicidal ideation in adolescentsThereza Alísa Petkova 1990-
13.5.2019Correlation of self-compassion, BMI, depression, anxiety, stress and gender in individuals seeking obesity treatment and university studentsÁsta Sigrún Gunnarsdóttir 1971-
26.9.2022The deception of the fashion industry and its effect on body image among young womenMatthildur S.G. Johansen 1996-
18.6.2019Do it for the gramSigríður Birna Matthíasdóttir 1990-
15.6.2021Do social media influencers affect college students' self-esteem and body image?Karen Eik Sigurðardóttir 1999-
10.8.2016Does upward or downward social comparison reflect on athlete’s self-esteem or body image?Marteinn Andrason 1992-
2.6.2020Does watching pornography affect masculine body image and penis size ideas that affects erectile dysfunction in young heterosexual men?Anna Björk Björgvinsdóttir 1998-
15.6.2021Eating disorder symptoms and body image concerns among elite Icelandic gymnasts and their relationship with social media useSara Margrét Jóhannesdóttir 1996-
14.6.2022Eating disorders and body image dissatisfaction : prevalence and differences between exercisers and non-exercisersWiktoria Marika Borowska 1996-
10.8.2016The effect of body image and physical activity on depressive symptoms : a study on Icelandic adolescent girls and boysLovísa Dagmar Guðfinnsdóttir 1993-
23.6.2022The effect of family communication patterns and social support on physical and achievement vanityTinna Rós Sigurðardóttir 1988-