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4.1.2022 | The Application of a Bioeconomic Model to Analyse the Jamaican Industrial Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) Fishery | Kimberlee Cooke-Panton 1986- |
2.3.2011 | Aquatic geochemistry of barium in basaltic terrain, Iceland | Naimy, Golnaz 1967- |
9.2.2018 | Bátavaki: Fyrir smábáta | Bragi Guðnason 1987- |
9.5.2018 | Between Kulusummiut and Qimmit: The relationship between East Greenlanders and Sled Dogs | Andrea Fiocca 1991- |
16.3.2010 | Breytileiki landnýtingar og jarðvegs á framræstu landi á Vesturlandi | Jónína Svavarsdóttir 1985- |
22.9.2023 | Climate literacy: A Critical Factor in Promoting Pro-Climate Behavior. | Emilía Borgþórsdóttir 1973- |
4.5.2022 | Comparative evaluation of the economic costs of diesel fuel and electricity externalities from whale watching - Case study of Iceland | Zaw Myo Win 1998- |
14.5.2018 | Conceptual framework based on population and electricity system exposure to heat-related hazards during heat waves | Marianne Ribes 1982- |
30.5.2023 | Contingent Valuation of the Proposed Hólmsárvirkjun at Atley Hydropower Project: Estimating a Preservation Value for the Area | Clinton Allen Cook 1976- |
14.9.2022 | Direct Seeding as an Alternative Method to Planting for Woodland Creation in Iceland: A Field Assessment with Focus on the underlying Supply Chains for Woodland Creation | Jannick Elsner 1995- |
4.2.2019 | Distribution of Anthriscus sylvestris and Myrrhis odorata within open areas of Reykjavík, Iceland | Mervi Orvokki Luoma 1979- |
12.5.2017 | The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees' Motivation: A case of Orkuveita Reykjavíkur and its subsidiaries | Furqan Khan 1990- |
2.6.2017 | Effects of different smoking methods on formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs) and physiochemical quality in smoked Atlantic mackerel products. | Benjamin Aidoo 1979- |
27.1.2022 | Environmental and Economic Assessment of Wind Energy Utilization for Westman Islands District Heating. | Kenneth Steele 1992- |
7.1.2015 | Er vísindaleg þekking æðri en almenn þekking? Umfjöllun um umhverfisvísindi út frá vistlegri fyrirbærafræði Tim Ingolds | Björgvin Agnarsson 1980- |
23.3.2010 | Ertuygla: áhrif ertuyglu á mismunandi afkvæmahópa alaskaaspar | Hrönn Guðmundsdóttir 1959- |
24.9.2018 | Estimating brown bear abundance in the Italian Alps with genetic-based CMR models | Niccolò Gervasoni 1993- |
24.1.2024 | Evaluating Albania’s Nationally Determined Contribution commitment: A comparative LCA of passenger vehicles powered by conventional diesel, B7, and electricity | Catherine Alyssa Rackley 1984- |
16.3.2010 | Ferlar í gerð verndaráætlunar náttúruverndarsvæða | Jón Björnsson 1958- |
31.1.2019 | Food waste in Reykjavik: a comparison between 2015 and 2018 | Andrea Maja Burgherr 1966- |
12.1.2011 | Gaddstaðaflatir: mekka sunnlenskra hestamanna: tillaga að skipulagi | Heiða Aðalsteinsdóttir 1981- |
1.6.2022 | Green Building Certifications: How well does BREEAM guide climate change impact reductions in a low-carbon built environment of Iceland | William Anthony Chua Reynera 1981- |
9.5.2014 | Greining á samrýmanleika landnotkunar frístundabyggða við stefnumörkun stjórnvalda er varðar náttúruminjar, með áherslu á Suðurland | Kristín Salóme Jónsdóttir 1951- |
2.5.2024 | Grenndargarðar á höfuðborgarsvæðinu: Mikilvæg græn svæði eða sóun á landrými? | Björk Þorleifsdóttir 1974- |