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Leiðbeinendur 1 til 15 af 15
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
31.5.2023Analysing the Costs and Benefits of Green Building Certifications: A study on stakeholder experience of using BREEAM and the Nordic Swan in IcelandGuðrún Heiður Ísaksdóttir 1989-
30.5.2023Ávinningur hringrásarlausna í byggingariðnaði. Lífsferilsgreiningar og hringrásarhagkerfiðLilja Sigurrós Davíðsdóttir 1996-
26.1.2023Carbon Footprints in the Nordics: Do dietary choices of Nordic households affect their consumption-based carbon footprints?Húbert Óðinn Huntingdon-Williams 1995-
1.10.2020The connections between the urban environment and long-distance leisure travel motivations in Reykjavik: an exploratory qualitative studyRaudsepp, Johanna, 1995-
1.6.2022Green Building Certifications: How well does BREEAM guide climate change impact reductions in a low-carbon built environment of IcelandWilliam Anthony Chua Reynera 1981-
22.6.2022Hampsteypa : úr íslenskum hráefnumKatrín Eir Kjartansdóttir 1993-
30.5.2023Implementing sustainability in neighborhood design in Iceland: How well does BREEAM Communities certification guide neighborhood development in Iceland toward sustainabilityKatrín Hannesdóttir 1995-
22.6.2022Kolefnishlutlausar byggingar : staða og framtíðarsýn í íslensku samhengiAuður Ásta Brynjólfsdóttir 1993-
22.5.2023Kolefnishlutlausar byggingar : Yfirgripsmikil samantekt yfir aðferðir til að ná kolefnishlutleysiElín Þórólfsdóttir 1983-
28.9.2022Perceptions of The Built Environment as Disabling or Enabling of Low Carbon Lifestyles: Case study of IcelandHulda Einarsdóttir 1987-
28.9.2022Planning documentation based pre-use phase LCA of a new urban area in New Skerjafjörður, ReykjavíkHjördís Sóley Sigurðardóttir 1976-
30.9.2022The reflection of the pro-climate attitudes of Nordic consumers in their carbon footprintsTolkyn Abdirova 1991-
10.5.2023Relocated mining communities: Impacts of mining operationsÍris Indriðadóttir 1994-
30.5.2023The Sustainability of More Leisure Time: An Exploration of the Relationship between Working Time, the Carbon Footprint, and Well-being in the Nordic CountriesBjörk Emilsdóttir 1990-
8.5.2023The Effects of Housing Size on The Consumption-Based Carbon Footprint: Exploring Trade-OffsAnna Kristín Einarsdóttir 1991-